Why would Jesus call Himself the TRUE VINE? John 15:1-11

Jesus makes this analogy on the night before He was crucified as an aid to teaching the eleven apostles about His relationship with them. The children of Israel are depicted in the Old Testament as a vine plucked out of Egypt and planted by God, Ps. 80:8-16. But they went astray by building idol altars and became a wild vine, Jer. 2:21. God sent Jesus as the new ‘true vine’ to develop a new people—the church. See Acts 2.

#John 15:1-11 #vineAnalogy #childrenOfIsraelVine #Psalms80:8-16 #GodPluckedVineEgypt #GodPlantedVinePromisedLand #childrenOfIsraelBuiltAltars #childrenOfIsraelWildVine #Jeremiah2:21 #JesusTrueVine #trueVineChurch