What is accomplished by the VINEYARD ANALOGY? John 15:1-11a

On the night before He was crucified, Jesus teaches the CORRECT relationship between Himself and His disciples. Jesus is the vine stalk and provides the nutrients for the branches, the disciples, to make fruit. Disconnected branches are useless and cannot produce good fruit. This means that the disciples must teach and practice the words of Jesus—the nutrients—to produce proper fruit. Disconnected branches are burned by God, the vinedresser.

#Jesus crucified #JesusRelationshipDisciples #JesusVineStalk #disciplesBranches #branchesMakeFruit #disconnectedUseless #disciplesPracticeWordsJesus #NutrientsWordsOfJesus #disciplesNeedNutrients #GodBurnsDisconnected #GodVinedresser