How did the Jews misconstrue eating the flesh of Jesus? John 6:52-58

The Jews objected to literally eating Jesus body to gain eternal life. Yet, Jesus had said, v. 40, that everyone who believes in Him gets eternal life. Thus, He explains, v. 56, that feeding on His flesh means believing in Him, abiding in Him. Further, He adds that feeding on His flesh and drinking His blood is not like eating literal food, v. 58. Thus, to partake of Jesus is to listen to Him, believe in Him, and obey Him.

#literalEatingJesus’Body #believesGetsEternalLife #feedingFleshIsBelieving #feedingFleshIsAbiding #drinkBloodNotLiteralFood #partakeOfJesusListen #partakeOfJesusbelieve #partakeOfJesusObey #eternalLife #JewsMisconstrue #misunderstand