LUKE 1:1-35

I am studying the gospel of Luke. Would like you to join me? Here are my initial comments. I will try to post on Saturdays.

Question: What value is the information in the preface, v. 1-4?

Answer: In the introduction, Luke writes to Theophilus, apparently a friend who had been taught earlier. Luke had compiled closely the reports of eyewitnesses so that Theophilus could know with certainty about Jesus. The similar introduction in Acts 1:1-3 refers to the ‘first book,’ no doubt this Gospel. These eyewitness accounts provide confidence to the reader that Luke is writing the truth about Jesus.

Question: Why start with details about the priest’s work instead of the birth of Jesus?

Answer: The entire chapter is meant to introduce Jesus, the Messiah. But in verses 5-34 the birth of John—who would become John the Baptist, the forerunner—is introduced. This had been prophesied, Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6:

“… I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me.”

“I will send you Elijah the prophet… And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers,”

 This birth of a forerunner would be earlier than the birth of Jesus. Luke begins by a visit of an angel bringing the news of the birth. In v. 5-12, a childless and righteous older priest, Zechariah, with his wife Elizabeth are said to have prayed for a child.

The scene described is in the temple where Zechariah was burning incense as part of worship. The angel told him his prayer had been heard, and Elizabeth would have a son to be named John who would be great and filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb. He would have special characteristics—he would not drink intoxicants and preach like Elijah. His work would be to preach and turn Israel back to God. This would prepare the nation for the coming Messiah, Jesus.

The work of this messenger would be to restore the nation to the fathers. That meant to restore the nation to the religion of the Old Testament. The fulfillment of this prophecy is proof that the forerunner is from God, because only God could fulfill a prophecy 400 years later.

Zechariah did not believe that such old people could father a child. The angel, Gabriel, imposed a penalty for this unbelief. Zechariah would be speechless till this birth happened. This was strong proof that God had sent Gabriel and the future child.

Zechariah’s wife was hidden from the public for the first five months of her pregnancy.

What was learned: 1. The fact that this forerunner would be born is proof that what happens afterward, namely, the birth of the Messiah, was controlled and caused by God. 2. God always keeps His promises in His own time.

#LukeUncovered  #birthJohnTheBaptist #ZechariahDumb
