Everyman's Bible Comments


Forgiveness Matthew 18:23-24

Forgiveness      Matthew 18:23-24

This post explains what Jesus said about the necessity of forgiveness.

‘Forgiveness’ as a post stresses forgiving each other. Peter asked Jesus how often he should forgive a brother. Jesus said seventy-seven times and then illustrated his answer with a parable, Matthew 18:23-24. “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven… compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.” Someone estimated this amount as ten million dollars. Workers could usually make one denarius a day. Therefore, this worker could not ever pay back the debt.

So, the king demanded the selling of the servant and his family to pay on the debt. The servant begged for mercy. Out of pity, the master released the debt of the servant.

However, this servant found another worker who owed him 100 denarii and demanded payment. Although this worker also begged for mercy, the servant refused and had the worker put in prison. Fellow servants reported this action to the master.

The master called him wicked, Matthew 18:32-33. “Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’” Then, the master put the wicked servant in prison until he paid all—an impossible task.

Jesus provided the lesson, Matthew 18:35. “So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

If we do not forgive from the heart, our forgiveness due to the grace of God will disappear.

Today, we all resemble the servant with an enormous debt, namely, our sins.

God’s grace provides forgiveness—see Acts 2:38. But if we do not forgive others, we will receive eternal punishment according to Jesus—see v. 35 above.

So, what did we learn?

1.Our sins cause us to resemble the servant who could not pay a tremendous debt.

2.God provides forgiveness provided we forgive our brothers.

3.God will remove our forgiveness if we do not forgive our brothers.

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#unforgivingServant #graceOfGod #whenForgivenForgive

Two Woman      Luke 10:38-42

This post concerns two women and their priorities.

‘Two Women’ as a post explores daily activities of women and listening to Jesus, Luke 10:38-42. “…And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. …she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha … distracted with much serving…  went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Both Mary and Martha usually served together. However, when Jesus came, Mary stopped serving and sat listening to Jesus.

Note, the role of women in the household—a wide, variable workload shown in Proverbs 31:11-31—can take many hours of the day. A woman as shown in Proverbs 31 makes a home for herself and her husband, teaches and instructs the children, and serves as Martha did. Women were created as suitable companions for their husbands, Genesis 2:20. Martha clearly carried out her proper activities as a woman. Note also that Jesus did not say Mary’s not serving made her sinful.

But Jesus showed Martha a better role. So, when possible, she should alter her priorities and listen to Jesus. In this situation, Mary chose the good portion, listening to Jesus. She set aside a lower, but proper duty, to attend to a higher and more important duty. Therefore, important serving duties pale in importance when the possibility of listening to Jesus appears.

Thus, this incident teaches us that nothing is more important than listening to the words of Jesus.

Note, in this life someone or something can take away everything. But no one can take away the words of Jesus. For us today, serving comprises a good, daily duty. But time spent in Bible study must rank first.

What did we learn?

1.Listening to Jesus should show itself as number one in our lives.

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#MaryMartha #womenChoosing #listeningToJesus

Character of God    Exodus 34:7

This post discusses the character of God.

‘Character of God’ covers some of the Bible’s teaching about what we can know about God. In the minds of many, “God is love” comprises their thinking—see 1 John 4:8; 16; and Ephesians 2:4-6, for Bible references. Yet, in speaking to Moses, God Himself clearly said that He also possesses a negative attribute, Exodus 34:6-7. “The LORD …proclaimed, “The LORD, … a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty,”

So, these verses show that a merciful, gracious God angers slowly and abounds in love and faithfulness for thousands. However, God adds that He will not clear the guilty. (Other verses also describe this characteristic. For example, see Exodus 20:7, Not ‘clearing the guilty’; or Numbers 14:18, ‘not hold him guiltless’ or Jeremiah 30:11, ‘will by no means leave you unpunished.’)

Also, in Jesus’ prayer, He linked eternal life to God, John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God,” Thus, knowing about God becomes especially important for receiving heaven as a reward. So, we must add this punishment characteristic to our knowledge of God.

Finally, two important examples illustrate these characteristics of God.

Firstly, consider the Children of Israel. God loved them and liberated them from Egyptian slavery. But they repeatedly turned to worshipping idols. Finally, after hundreds of years and God restoring them again and again, God’s character allowed their enemies to enslave them as punishment.

A second example also illustrates God’s character and shows His love for all people, John 3:16-17. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  Thus, God loved so much that He gave His only Son for their salvation.

Salvation of penitent believers begins with baptism, Acts 2:38.

So, what did we learn?

1.God exhibits both loving and punishing characteristics.

2.Knowing about God affects eternal life in a positive manner for us.

3.God proved His love for all by giving His Son for humanities’ salvation.

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#John3:16 #loveOfGod #God’sPunishingCharactistick

Divorce and Remarriage    Matthew 19:3-6

This post discusses what Jesus taught about divorce and remarriage.

Divorce and remarriage, always a controversial subject, involves many in our society. Some 41% of first marriages end in divorce and 60% of divorced people remarry. Jesus, asked by the Pharisees about divorce, quoted from Genesis 2:24 what God had said about marriage, Matthew 19:3-6. “And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So, they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

So, Jesus taught what God said about marriage.

Men should not separate a married couple, because God had joined them into a single married unit and forbids separation as in a divorce.

Then, the Pharisees, looking for a chance to pit Jesus against Moses, continued to press their practices according to what Moses allowed, Matthew 19:7. “They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?”

At that point, Jesus corrected them. Moses had not commanded a divorce certificate. He allowed it. Then, Jesus gave the correct view of divorce, Matthew 19:8-9. “He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Thus, Jesus now labels the result of divorce as adultery except for sexual immorality of one’s partner.

The percentage of people divorcing for many other reasons does not change what Jesus taught.

So, what was learned?

1.From the beginning of time, God did not intend for the marriage vows to be broken.

2.According to Jesus, divorce for any reason other than sexual immorality results in adultery.

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#adultery #breakingApartMarriage #divorceForSexualImmorality

Setting Priorities   Luke 10:29-37

This post discusses Jesus’ teaching about setting priorities.

‘Setting Priorities’ as a post involves a parable often called ‘The Good Samaritan.’ Jesus had just explained to a lawyer how to gain eternal life by totally committing to loving God—see verses 27-28. Then the lawyer asked a second question, Luke 10:29. “But he, desiring to justify himself, said… “And …my neighbor?”

So, the embarrassed lawyer tried to test Jesus further by asking about his neighbor.

In this parable, a man, robbed and beaten by robbers, needed help. Then, two Jewish religious leaders, a priest, and a Levite, passed by without helping. The parable does not mention the nationality of the hurt man as being Jew or Gentile. Jesus stresses only that he needed help and did not receive it.

But then, a Samaritan came by, interrupted his day, and cared for the hurt man. If the hurt man was Jewish, this may have surprised the lawyer, because Samaritans did not help Jews and vice versa. Jesus then focused back on the command to love one’s neighbor, Luke 10:36. “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”

The Lawyer answered correctly, Luke 10:37. “The one who showed him mercy.” Note, the nationality of the beaten man did not enter his answer. Needing help did.

Jesus replied, also not mentioning nationality, Luke 10:37. “You go, and do likewise.”

Whatever the Samaritan planned to do with his time and money, he gave up to accomplish a higher duty of helping a hurt man regardless of any prior prejudices. He showed how to set his priorities correctly. Likewise, this parable teaches us about setting our priorities and by ignoring our previous prejudices to give help.

Further, consider Jesus’ example. He died on the cross to save everyone, not just Jews or people like me. Likewise, I need to rid myself of prejudices and help those in need, as I have opportunity.

So, what did we learn?

1.Those needing help make up our neighbors.

2.Jesus commands us to show mercy as a primary duty to those in need.

3.Jesus’ death on the cross sets us an example of helping the needy without prejudice.

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#excludeNoOneFromHelp #goodSamaritan #JesusDiedForAll

Sex     Matthew 19:5-6

This post discusses what the Bible says about sex.

Sex began when God instituted the first marriage just after creating Eve. Jesus quoted what God said at that time when replying to a query about divorce, Matthew 19:5-6. “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”  So, when God called for ‘one flesh,’ He made this intimate relationship a part of the human marriage experience.

Also, the writer of Hebrews shows that God always meant for sexual activity to occur only in marriage, Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage … held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed… undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” So, the judgment of God falls on those who have sexual relations outside of marriage.

Further, God regulated sex in marriage, 1 Corinthians 7:2-5. “But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another…” Thus, both the man and the woman in a marriage sacrifice their ‘rights’ in order to please their partner.

Also, nothing dirty or sinful occurs in sexual activity in marriage. In fact, the Apostle Paul used the body to show that we belong to God, I Corinthians 6:19-20. “… do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit… you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body.”

Thus, we must confine sexual relations to our marriages, and thereby glorify God.

So, what did we learn?

1.God instituted sex in marriage.

2.Sex should occur only in marriage.

3.Our bodies must always glorify God.

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#glorifyGodBody #GodMadeSexMarriage #bedUndefiled

The Meaning of the Resurrection Luke 24:1-6

This post discusses the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus.

‘The Meaning of the Resurrection’ as a post emphasizes what the resurrection means to the Christian. The resurrection occurred on the Sunday after Jesus’ death on the cross, Luke 24:1-6. “But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb… And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body…While they were perplexed … two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said… “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He… has risen.”

So, the first impression that comes to mind concerns God’ all-powerful ability. He can raise the dead to die no more. God can accomplish a resurrection and should receive praise and glory for His power.

Secondly, the resurrection of Jesus authenticates Him as the Son of God. In this way, He completed His earthly ministry by the sacrifice of His body on the cross. His resurrection followed.

In addition, knowing about the resurrection of Jesus provides a feeling of certainty for Christians about a resurrection in their future beyond the grave. The Bible promised a universal resurrection whereby Jesus will judge everyone as to their deeds on this earth, Hebrews 9:27-28. “… just as it… appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, … offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who … eagerly waiting for him.”

Finally, the resurrection of Jesus also shows Christianity as a unique religion that can deliver eternal salvation. No other religion can do this.

So, what did we learn?

1.The resurrection shows that an all-powerful God can provide a resurrection from the dead.

2.The raising of Jesus proves His Deity as God’s Son.

3.Certainty of life after death appears as a result of the resurrection of Jesus.

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#GodResurrectedJesus #JesusSonofGod #generalResurrection

Failed Leadership 2 Samuel 11:4

This post concerns the consequences of failed leadership.

Failed leadership often leads to sin. God gave King David the responsibility of leading the nation. Likewise, as the head of his family, he served as an example to his sons. However, one evening he saw an unclad woman, Bathsheba – the wife of Uriah— bathing and then committed adultery with her, 2 Samuel 11:4.

“So, David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her.”

Then, this horrible sin led to other sins because of Bathsheba’s pregnancy. David called Uriah home from a battle so the baby would appear to be Uriah’s. When that failed, he had Uriah killed during the battle. Then, he married Bathsheba. But others knew about the affair.

The prophet Nathan confronted David with a parable about a rich man taking the only lamb of a poor man. A livid David said the rich man deserved death. Then, Nathan said to David, 2 Samuel 12:7, 9. “You … the man! …Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?”

Thus, David ignored God’s command, Exodus 20:14, to not commit adultery. God characterized such disobedience as despising his name.

But when David repented, God said, “the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised me.” 2 Samuel 12:10.

David’s sin did not lead his sons to be obedient to God. Amnon raped his half-sister. Absalom then killed Amnon. But Absalom died trying to steal the throne from his father. Later, Solomon killed a brother, Adonijah.

And, when Solomon became the next king, he allowed his sexual appetites to lead him away from God, 1 Kings 11:4-5. “… when Solomon … his wives turned away his heart after other gods… Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.”

Note, what David did shows that sin lasts longer than we imagined, costs more than we intended to pay, and affects more people than we thought. We must lead carefully.

So, what did we learn?

1.Good leadership always involves obeying God’s law.

2.Failed obedience to God can cause one’s children to also turn away from God.

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#David’sSons #AbsalomStealKingdom #SolomonWorshippedIdols

Testing Jesus Luke 10:25-28

This post discusses a lawyer testing Jesus.

‘Testing Jesus’ involves how Jesus answered a Jewish lawyer, Luke 10:25. “And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” This lawyer, an expert on Moses’ Law, did not pose questions on Roman law. Instead, he expected some answer based on the Ten Commandments. Then, this question would cause a conflict with what Jesus taught about the ‘tradition of the elders.’ (This tradition involved a long list of additional commandments made by the Pharisees as to how to keep Moses’ Law. Jesus condemned these traditions—see Mark 7:1-13.)

However, Jesus’ answered with a question, Luke 10:26. “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”

Jesus’ questions provides some lessons.

1.God’s word provides what everyone needs for eternal life.

2.Finding eternal life lies in reading and obeying the scriptures.

Also, the scriptures provide identical answers to everyone.

Then, the lawyer answered Jesus’ questions in summary form, Luke 10:27. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

In summary, gaining eternal life involves a total commitment to loving God.

Therefore, the emotions and convictions which make up the heart must belong to the Lord. That which exists in eternity, the soul, must love God. Following and obeying the Lord uses our strength. The intellect or the mind must devote itself to pleasing the Lord.

Also, loving your neighbor as yourself makes up  a second important need.

Jesus replied favorably, Luke 10:28. “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.” Jesus said doing these things enables one to have eternal life.

Note, these rules apply to the new kingdom established by Jesus as well as the Old Testament (see Deuteronomy 6:50).

So, what did we learn?

1.Complete obedient devotion to loving God will provide us eternal life.

2.God’s word always supplies the keys as to how we gain eternal life.

3.Today, eternal life will result from reading and obeying the word of God.

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#LoveGod #loveHeartSoulStrengthMind  #eternalLife

Pornography Matthew 5:27-29

This post seeks to link pornography and the heart of an individual.

Pornography, the viewing of lewd pictures or images, causes sexual arousal. Jesus discussed adultery by coupling viewing of the image of a woman with sexual desires and the heart, Matthew 5:27-29. “You have heard … it …said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.” In this scripture, Jesus orders a drastic solution to this terrible sin. He says destroy the part of the body, the eye, that admits this image to the brain or heart! Thus, using the eyes to view pornography in any form can cause the loss of the soul to hell.

Jesus also clearly identifies the source of many defiling sins as coming from the heart, including sexual immorality, Mark 7:21-23. “And he said, “What comes out of a person … defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”

So, viewing lewd images causes the mind, the heart, to sin.

The Apostle Paul provides guidelines for the thoughts of our minds, Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever … honorable, whatever … just, whatever … pure, whatever … lovely, whatever … commendable, if …any excellence, if … anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Using the mind or heart to dwell on pure, commendable things rather than allowing the eyes to focus on pornographic images and thoughts should characterize the Christian.

So, what did we learn?

1.Viewing lewd images causes sinful thoughts.

2.Often, sin begins with wicked thoughts in the heart.

3.Christians should think pure thoughts.

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#viewLewdImages #eysLinkedHeart #thinkPureThoughts

The Meaning of the Cross Ephesians 1:1-6

This post discusses the meaning of the cross of Jesus to us.

The meaning of the cross starts with understanding God and His plans, formulated before creation, Ephesians 1:3-6. “Blessed… the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who … blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world,” These verses teach that God knew of the future need of salvation for us and formulated a predetermined plan to accomplish it before He created the world. The occurrence of the cross of Jesus means that God completed His plan of salvation for everyone at the cross.

Secondly, the cross illustrates the fact that Jesus obeyed and caused salvation to happen. The Apostle Paul spoke about it in Philippians 2:8. “And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Thus, Jesus obeyed the will of God the Father at the cross.

Thirdly, the cross shows that the blood of Jesus makes salvation possible for the obedient, 1 John 1:7. “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” So, the blood of Christ made salvation possible for us at the cross.

Finally, consideration of what the cross means generates thanksgiving and praise for God, Ephesians 1:5-6. “In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” The cross provides the focus for eternal gratitude and praise of God the Father by us for the plan of salvation.

So, what did we learn?

1.God planned the cross before creation as a means of saving a future fallen race.

2.Jesus obeyed God the Father by giving Himself on the cross.

3.The shedding of His blood on the cross paid the price for eternal salvation of the obedient.

4.Thanksgiving and praise focuses us on praise to God for the cross and what it means.

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#GodPredestinatedCross #JesusGaveSelfCross #man’sSinsPaidFor

Rejoicing Luke 10:21-24

This post explores the rejoicing or happiness of Jesus and the 72 upon their return.

‘Rejoicing’ as a post describes both Jesus and the return of the 72, earlier sent out to preach to the common people. Thus defeating the demons caused the 72 to return with joy (see verse 17). Jesus also rejoiced and thanked God for their succuss, Luke 10:21. “In that same hour  he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.”

The fact that Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit marks this time as a high-point in Jesus’ ministry. In this passage, Jesus thanked the Father for the preaching of the 72 to common people, characterized by the term ‘little children.’ They had not been sent to the scribes and Pharisees who thought of themselves as ‘wise and understanding.’ Carrying out the plan of the heavenly Father caused this success. They preached a clear, understandable message about the coming kingdom to people who could hear and wanted to hear. This preaching to common people also covered all of Jesus’ ministry from beginning to end.

Jesus also tells God’s long-term method of revelation, John 10:22-24. “All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows … the Son… except the Father, or … the Father …except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Thus, the plan of God involves the Father revealing the Son to the world and the Son revealing the Father. The words of the Old Testament prophets, Jesus Himself, and His disciples provided the revelation. This remains the plan of God for the world today revealing it  through the words of the Bible.

Jesus also tells the disciples of blessing more than earlier prophets who wanted to hear and see what they saw. By reading the Bible we, too, can receive this blessing.

So, what did we learn?

1.God planned for the common person to hear and understand the truth about salvation.

2.Preaching to the common man succeeded.

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#planOfGod #preachToCommonMan #timeOfSuccess

Decisions 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This post discusses an aid to make correct decisions.

Decisions occur every day. We decide what to eat, where to go, and how to treat others. Some decisions please God. Some do not. The Bible provides a resource on how to make decisions, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” The God-breathed-out or inspired scriptures provide a reliable inspiration for correct decisions.

Four areas of usefulness of God’s words appear as teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.


Teaching and obeying the gospel stimulates good decisions. For example, Ephesians 5:25 and Titus 2:4 stress proper treatment of spouses.

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”

“and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,”

So, harmony in the home comes from loving spouses.


Also, Peter, speaking about Jesus, reproved the Jews who crucified Jesus, Acts 2:36-38. “…God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified… they were cut to the heart…, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said… “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” So, once they became believers, repentance and baptism provided forgiveness.


Sometimes, God’s people err. The Bible explains correction of an error, 1 Corinthians 5:1-2. “… there is sexual immorality among you, … for a man has his father’s wife …Let him who has done this be removed from among you.”  So, the scriptures call for correction when sin appears in the congregation!


Finally, the scriptures train in righteousness. For example, the scriptures encourage doing good, Galatians 6:9-10. “let us not grow weary of doing good, … as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.”

Also the Bible provides many other similar admonitions for right decision making. Therefore, we should read and study the Bible for this knowledge!

So, what did we learn?

1.The scriptures offer a foolproof guide to making decisions.

2.Stress points include teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness

3, Read and study the Bible for help.

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#decisionMaking #GuideDecisionMaking #studyBible

Different Characteristics Exodus 20; 32; Romans 12:1-2

This post concentrates on the different characteristics needed by the Israelites and Christians.

‘Different Characteristics’ describes how the Israelites in the Sinai desert displayed themselves to the surrounding nations.

Different characteristics were what God expected. He gave them commands about worship, Exodus 20:3-4. “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything…” However, they chose to not obey and asked Aaron to make an idol, Exodus 32:2-5. “So, Aaron said… “Take off the rings of gold …And he received the gold from their hand and… made a golden calf”.

Then, they declared that this golden calf brought them out of Egypt. So, Aaron proclaimed a feast day for worship of the golden calf. That day resulted in the people duplicating the sexual activities of idol-worshipping nations, Exodus 32:6. “And the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.”

By God’s commands, the Israelites should display a different religious behavior from the nations all around them and especially Egypt from which they came. Sexual activities did not belong in worship of God. In this way, the Israelites should demonstrate what God wanted instead of satisfying sexual appetites.

In the same way, Christianity displays a different lifestyle.

The Apostle Paul stressed this different aspect of following Christ in daily life, Romans 12:1-2. “…present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

So, this difference means that Christians do not engage in fornication or adultery or conform to the way the world lives. Their lives become daily sacrifices of holiness as spiritual worship.

Note, the Israelites were to serve as an example for the world around them as to how to serve God. Likewise, today God’s children model to the world how God desires them to live.

So, what did we learn?

1.The Israelites formed and worshipped an idol instead of obeying God.

2.Israel failed to model what God wanted in worship.

3.Today Christians should exhibit example behavior as to how God wants us to worship and live.

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#israelExamples #ChristiansExample #ChristianModelBehavior

God’s Name Psalm 8

This post discusses revering and praising God’s name.

‘God’s Name’ as a post explores reasons for respecting His name, Psalm 8:1. “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” A list of what God has done that reflects glory on Him and His name follows in the psalm.

Even babies express glory to God. (Jesus quotes this verse when infants praised Him, Matthew 21:16. “Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise.”)

The psalmist takes one look at the heavens and then expresses surprise at the elevated status of man, Psalm 8:4. “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”

Compared to everything else, the place of man just below heavenly beings provides him superiority over the earth, Psalm 8:5-6. “Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands;” This dominion or superiority includes domestic animals, and even birds and fish.

Thus, this realization causes the psalmist to again express glory and majesty to the name of God.

As we contemplate these great blessings, respect for God’s name should grow. That means that we should not use the name of God in any disrespectful way. For example, I should not use the phrase ‘God’ as a by-word or slang or expression of some emotion. Unfortunately, television and movies are literally saturated with terrible use of His name as a by-word.

Also, I can also use my influence to discourage others from disrespectful usage. I can talk to my friends about their use of His name and encourage them to respect it. I can teach my children to respect the name of God.

So, what did we learn?

1.Majestic describes God’s name.

2.When we consider that God gave man dominion over all creation, we should revere His name and never use it as slang or as a by-word.

3.In daily life we should respect His name.

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#matthew21: sixteen #teachChildrenRespectGod’sName #InfluenceOthersRespectGod’sName

The 72 Forerunners Luke 10:1-20

This post describes Jesus sending out and the return of 72 disciples as forerunners to proclaim the kingdom of God.

‘The 72 Forerunners’ as a post tells what happened when Jesus sent disciples before He visited the villages. Luke 10:1. “After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go.” Jesus’ training plan for this final phase of his ministry involved selecting 72 other disciples, not the twelve. They were sent out with the ability to heal and with specific instructions. They should go as forerunners before Him into the villages to which He intended to go. As part of their training they should take no extra provisions while preaching that the kingdom of God is near.

In this way, the disciples trained for the times after Jesus’ resurrection when they went to all the world—see Acts 8:1-4.

This much needed work should also incite earnest prayeer to the Lord of the harvest, God, for more laborers to reach those people eager to learn. The disciples, depending upon the hospitality of the villages, like lambs should not force themselves on anyone. For those towns that rejected them, they would consider them as dust on their shoes just like the Jews treated heathens.

If Sodom, Tyre, and Sidon had heard the preaching of Jesus and His disciples, they would have repented readily. Thus, non-listeners in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, without excuse for their unbelief, would end in torment.

 So, Jesus explained the inseparability of His word and the words of His disciples. Rejecting one rejects the other.

The 72 returned with joy and such a good report of casting out demons that Jesus saw Satan falling from heaven.  Although He gave them authority over physical things that might hurt them, He said eternal salvation in heaven made up the important thing.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus sent out 72 forerunners as part of His plan to go through villages on His way to Jerusalem.

2.Those who rejected Jesus and His disciples would be lost in Hades.

3.The words of His disciples carried the same authority as those of Jesus.

4.Their happiness should be in eternal salvation.

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#sendOut72  #disciplesWordEqualsJesus’Word #TakeNoProvisions

The Net Matthew 13:47-50

This post discusses Jesus’ parable about a net.

The net shows the work of fishing, Matthew 13:47-48. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind. When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad.” Jesus used fishing by net, observed daily on the Sea of Galilee, to teach about the kingdom and the end of time, Matthew 13:49-50. “So, it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Thus, in this parable, Jesus stresses what will happen on the Judgment Day to members of the kingdom of heaven, the church.

He depicts the church as a net thrown into the sea or the world. The fish comprise righteous and wicked people in the kingdom. The wicked imagine they are saved because of their names in the church role. The wicked escape detection while on the earth. But at the end of time, angels will sort the righteous from the wicked and throw the wicked into hell, the fiery furnace, and terrible pain.

Also, wicked people claiming membership in the kingdom parallels the wicked in every age. Consider the following pairs: Wicked Cain with Abel at the beginning of time; Judas as one of the twelve; Diotrephes in the church (III John 9). God’s mercy allows the wicked time to repent or exist alongside the righteous until the end of time. At that time, Angels then separate the wicked.

Note, God does not authorize people or churches to remove the wicked from the kingdom. On Judgement Day, angels will do this sorting. (Congregations can withdraw fellowship from erring, unrepentant members to try to restore them, 2 Thessalonians 3:6.)

So, what did we learn?

1.Wicked people masquerading as church members will receive punishment at the end of time.

2.God’s mercy allows time for wicked church members to repent until Judgement Day.

3.On judgment day, angels sort out the wicked.

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#ChristiansAsFish #sortingByAngels #wickedCastIntoHell

God’s Love John 3:16

This post discusses the effects of God’s love.

‘God’s love’ as a post shows the depth of the love of God, John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” This verse makes three important and universal points.

Firstly, note that God loved the world—not one nation or one area, but the entire world. This expresses how God felt in Jesus’ day and feels now. God’s love exhibits no concern about nationality, gender, or age. Instead, He loves every person.

Secondly, God loved so deeply that He gave His Son as a sacrifice to cover the sins of people. Can you imagine love so deep that you would give up a child for someone in another family? Impossible? God exhibited that kind of love for all people.

Thirdly, God’s love provided a priceless gift—eternal life. This gift, not attainable by anyone, must come from God who alone can provide it. Its greatness lies in the fact that no one can buy it or earn it. Only God can supply it, and He does so as a gift.

Note, belief in Jesus as God’s Son becomes the key to receiving what God alone can give. Thus, Jesus claims to be the source or access to the love of God, John 14:6. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

But faith alone cannot save, James 2:17. “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Peter explained what people with faith in Jesus additionally needed to do, Acts 2:37-38. “… they were cut to the heart, …And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins,”

Thus, repentance and baptism will save the believer.

So, what did we learn?

1.God loves everyone.

2.God loved so deeply He gave His Son for salvation of the obedient.

3.God’s love provides the only key to eternal life.

4.Access to God’s love involves belief, repentance, and baptism.

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#faithAlone #faithWorks #James2:17

Facing Jerusalem Luke 9:51-62

This post discusses Jesus facing Jerusalem in the last major phase of His ministry.

Jesus, facing Jerusalem, concludes His ministry before His death on the cross.

In facing Jerusalem, Jesus now begins this last phase of His work by setting His face to go to the city. The time nears for Him to go back to His heavenly Father. So, He does what is necessary to travel to Jerusalem and the cross. On His way, He will train His twelve apostles further, do more preaching and teaching, heal more people, and perhaps make more disciples.

Earlier—see chap. 9:2—Jesus gave the twelve miraculous power. As they go toward Jerusalem, they entered a village and found the Samaritans would not receive Him, sensing His aim toward Jerusalem. This probably means they would not listen or provide food and shelter. James and John wanted to miraculously bring down fire on the village. Jesus did not and rebuked their thoughts. Then, He went on to a more friendly village.

On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus met three men with three excuses for not following Him immediately.

The first seemed to be concerned about his physical needs. Jesus reminded him that He, Jesus, did not even have a place to lay His head. This means that a house and food should rate lower in importance than following Jesus. Another seemed more concerned with his father’s burial. Jesus told him to let others arrange burials. He needed to go preach about the Kingdom of God. The third man was also concerned about his family and telling them goodbye. Then, Jesus gave a summary statement to cover all those who wanted to follow Him: starting to follow and turning back to the world makes one unfit for the kingdom of God. The things of God and Jesus must come first.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus now begins His trip to Jerusalem and the cross.

2.Jesus does not want to punish uninterested followers by using physical force.

3.Following Jesus requires ranking Him first in our lives and not turning back to the world.

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#faceToJerusalem #fireOnSamaritans #howToFollowJesus

Vineyard Laborers Matthew 20:1-16

This post concerns laborers hired to work in the vineyard at various times and all paid the same.

Vineyard laborers were hired and paid daily. Early in the morning, the master hired workers and settled on their payment. Jesus told a parable about such an owner, Matthew 20:1-2. “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.”

Then, this master found idle workers in the marketplace at about the third hour, the sixth hour, and the ninth hour. He told each to go work in the vineyard, and he would pay correct wages. Even at the eleventh hour he found idle workers and sent them to work in the vineyard.

Payment came in the evening, Matthew 20:8-10. “And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius. Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius.”

Then, those hired first grumbled because they thought they should receive more. The master told them that they had agreed on a denarius. So, they should take it and go, because he had the right to pay what he wished. Then, he provided His decision on pay equality, Matthew 20:16. “So the last will be first, and the first last.”

Thus, this parable about the kingdom of heaven illustrates the fact that people can begin to work in the Lord’s vineyard, the church, at any time and still receive from God the eternal reward of heaven.

This parable also illustrates the wonderful grace of God toward all those in the kingdom regardless of time of service.

So, what did we learn?

1.God wants everyone regardless of age to labor in His kingdom, the church.

2.Everyone laboring in the church will receive heaven as a reward.

3.God’s graciousness provides a reward for everyone even if only serving in the kingdom when olderhttps://tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#workChurch #ChristianReward #God’sGraciousness


Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32

This post seeks to uncover the meaning of Jesus’ parable about two sons.

‘Two Sons’ as a post depicts the religious situation of the publicans and prostitutes versus the Pharisees, Matthew 21:28-32. “A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ … he answered, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he changed his mind and went. And he went to the other son and said the same… he answered, ‘I go, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?”

In this parable about two boys, Jesus asked the above question of thOe Pharisees who had challenged His authority. They answered, “The first.” Then, Jesus said to them “Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. And even when you saw it, you did not afterward change your minds and believe him.”

Jesus identifies the Pharisees as a son who promised but did not go. The other son is depicted as the sinful tax collectors and prostitutes who repented and listened and believed God’s message via John the Baptist. (They heard, Luke 15:1. Jesus says in Mark 21:32 that they believed. They repented and were baptized, Luke 3:12; 7:29.)

The man in the parable depicts God who sees in the world only two classes of people: those who obey and those who do not. Note that both sons hear the same command. Thus, everyone hears God’s call to work in His kingdom. Some obey. Others do not. Further, rejection or disobeying does not cancel the obligation to hear God’s word and obey it.

So, what did we learn?

1.God classifies all people as obedient or disobedient, despite what we claim to be and do.

2.Everyone gets the same command to work in God’s kingdom.

3.Rejection does not cancel the command to obey God and work in the kingdom.

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#sonPromisedDidNot #sonRejectedRepented #twoClassesPeopleWorld Continue reading

Loving God and Jesus John 14:14; 1 John 5:3

Loving God and Jesus John 14:14; 1 John 5:3

This post covers the meaning of loving God and Jesus.

We know about love. We know how to love our mates, our children, and our parents. But how do we love God and Jesus?

Memorial Day exists in the U.S. on the last Monday in May to express appreciation for soldiers who gave their lives in battle.

But do we have a special day for loving God and His Son?

Consider the following, Hebrews 10:25. “…let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Thus, for Christians, a Memorial Day comes on every Sunday.  

In addition, Jesus said in John 14:15; “If you love me, you will keep my commandments…”

So, keeping Christ’s commandments shows we love Him.

In exactly the same way, John’s writings clarifies about loving God, 1 John 5:3. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.”

Thus, the primary consideration in loving God and His Son becomes keeping their commandments as recorded in the New Testament.

However, both Jesus and God added a second important rule. Jesus provided this important consideration in John 13:24. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

Likewise, John also recorded this second component to loving God, 1 John 5:20-21. “If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.”

Therefore, loving God and Jesus must also involve loving our brethren.

So, how do we feel about loving our brethren? Do we still harbor dislike or even hatred for some? We must erase these feelings to develop the proper love for God and Jesus.

So, what did we learn?

 1.Loving God the Father and Jesus involves obeying their commandments.

 2.Loving the brethren comprises an important element in loving God and Jesus.

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#lovingJesusGod #ObeyCommandments #loveBrethren


Effect of Baptism Galatians 3:26-27

This post covers what baptism does.

Effect of Baptism as a post discusses the results of baptism.

When we check, history shows the effect of baptism and its necessity for salvation for over 1000 years. Even after the Roman Catholic split that formed the Eastern Orthodox Catholic church, baptism remained essential. All Catholics continued to teach the necessity of baptism.

However, in the 1500’s a Reformation began. Although not well known, leaders of the Reformation continued to believe and teach that baptism was necessary. For example, Luther wrote, “we must be baptized, or we shall not be saved.” Similarly, Calvin also wrote, “For he commands all who believe to be baptized for the remission of their sins.” However, both Luther and Calvin retained infant baptism as necessary. Later, they both taught salvation by faith only and ignored James 2:17. “…faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

When the Restoration Movement broke out in the early 1800’s, an intensive restudy of baptism occurred. Brethren decided to accept the entire scriptures on baptism and works. A key verse explains the role of faith and baptism, Galatians 3:26-27. “…for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Thus, faith brings one to believe in Jesus. Then, the entrance into the saved state—in Christ—occurs in baptism. Ananias explained to Saul, Acts 22:16. “Rise and … baptized and wash away your sins…’”

So, the restorers of the New Testament church uncovered an understanding of faith and works in salvation.

Baptism of forgiven and penitent believer adds one to the body of Christ in baptism.

Likewise, the Restoration Movement rejected infant baptism—still accepted by the Catholic Church and many denominations—because the scriptures show baptism for penitent believers and not untaught infants, Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:15.

““Repent and … baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…

Whoever believes and … baptized … saved,”

So, what did we learn?

1.The scriptures show that baptism remits sin and adds one to the church.

2.Together, faith in Jesus and baptism, provide salvation.

3.Untaught infants cannot be subjects of baptism.

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#salvation #faithWorks #sinsForgivenBaptism

Growing Seeds Mark 4:26-29

This post discusses the meaning of Jesus’ parable about growing seeds.

Growing seeds covers a common experience of farmers, Mark 4:26-29. “And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.” This parable does not provide new information for the farmer. He plants, the earth produces the harvest. Then he reaps. The key piece of information given by Jesus— “he knows not how”—provides the reason for the parable. The farmer does not need to know anything about growing seeds. He just plants and then comes the harvest.

However, Jesus says that this growing seeds mimics the kingdom of God.

Growth occurs after the seed, the gospel, is planted. The gospel proclaimer doesn’t need to know everything about how it happens. He must simply preach the gospel.

The Apostle Paul described a similar result happening in Corinth, 1 Corinthians 3:5-6. “What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” God gave the growth and received the praise, not men.

Note, Jesus told this parable after earlier parables on the Sower and the light hidden under a bushel. All of this information could help the disciples understand what to expect from their audiences as they proclaimed the word.

Jesus continued to teach about the nature of the kingdom of God by describing the kingdom as a small mustard seed but growing to be large, Mark 4:30-32.

Again, the gospel proclaimer doesn’t need to understand how God gives the growth. He must just teach the gospel.

So, what did we learn?

1.The proclaimer of the gospel doesn’t need to know how God provides the growth of converts and the church.

2.The work of the proclaimer is simply to continue to teach God’s word.

3.Harvest will come later.

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#growthKingdomByGod #don’tNeedKnow #growingMustardSeed

Miraculous Feeding and a Confession Luke 9:10-22

This post concerns two outstanding events—miraculous feeding of five thousand and a confession of faith.

As a post, Miraculous Feeding and a Confession illustrates the power of Jesus and what the disciples felt about Him. Earlier in this chapter and as part of their training, Jesus sent out the twelve to preach about the kingdom. Upon their return, He took them apart from the crowds, either to learn about their experiences or to further teach them. But the crowds followed. So, on that day, Jesus preached more about the kingdom of God and healed the sick. At the end of the day, the disciples wanted to send the crowd away to get food. But Jesus told them to provide food. When they could not, He performed a great miracle by multiplying their five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men. Twelve baskets of broken pieces were taken up after everyone had eaten.

Thus, this miracle illustrated Jesus feeding both the soul and the stomach.

Note that the disciples had asked earlier—see chap. 8:25—“who then is this?” Since asking that question, they had observed four powerful miracles—healing a demoniac and a woman with an issue of blood, raising a dead girl, and feeding the 5000. Now, Jesus asked them to tell him who the crowds thought He was. They relayed to Him the rumors of the people—a prophet or John the Baptist had arisen. Then, Jesus asked them for their belief. Peter answered that He was the Christ or Messiah of God.

Jesus acknowledged Peter’s answer but charged them to not tell others, because other things needed to happen first. Then, Jesus told them plainly what lay ahead—He must suffer, be rejected by the high Jewish authorities, and suffer death followed by resurrection on the third day.

At this point, Jesus spoke for the first time about the Messiah suffering death and a resurrection.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus can feed the body and the soul.

2.As the Messiah, the Jewish hierarchy will reject Him and kill Him.

3.His resurrection will occur on the third day.

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#feed5000 #whoIsJesus? #ChristOfGod

Glory to God Psalm 115

This post discusses giving proper glory to God.

Glory to God as a post focuses on recognizing the need to give glory to God and His name. Use of the term ‘God,’ found rampant on TV and in the movies, uses God’s name as an expression of surprise or disgust, or even to swear. In addition, various religious persons get adoration and glory from people by the attachment of ‘reverend’ to their names. (Reverend means worthy of reverence or revered, terms that apply to God.) Thus the Bible provides no authority for giving glory to people by adding ‘reverend’ to their names.

Consider the first verse of Psalm 115. “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory.”  This psalm says that God’s name deserves glory and suggests the proper use of the name of God. This psalm goes on to compare God to idols. Idols decay, but God continues forever. God shows omniscience. Idols have no knowledge. Idols cannot create or physically help the individual, but God is omnipotent and provides help to individuals in  the Bible.

The same points can be made of people. Unless Jesus returns for judgment, we all will die. God will not. He is eternal. Our minds exhibit limited intelligence, but God knows everything. When catastrophic disease strikes, we show a limited ability to cure. God does not. There’s nothing He cannot do.

So, for these reasons, we should respect God by revering His name.

Again, no Bible passage applies ‘reverend’ to people.

Even the Christian life should do the same. Matthew 5:16, “… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” The Apostle Paul echoes this concept in Romans 11:36. “… To him be glory forever.”

When Christians do good deeds, glory ensues to God.

So, what did we learn?

1.We should respect God by not using His name in any trivial way.

2.In religious matters, we should give glory to God alone.

3.The Christian by doing good works provides glory to God.

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#reverend #GodOmnicient #GodOmnipotent

Moses, a Comparison Hebrews 3

Moses, a Comparison Hebrews 3

Moses, a comparison as a post discusses a comparison between Jesus and Christianity and Moses and Judaism.

Moses’ and Jesus’ comparison to each other interested the Hebrew people. The aim of the book of Hebrews discusses both Moses and Jesus. Moses, the great lawgiver, served as a source of pride for the Jewish people. Likewise, Jesus, the risen savior of Christianity, stands as a source of pride for Christians. Does Jesus or Moses rank higher in importance?

In Hebrews chapter one, the writer discusses God speaking to us by Jesus.

Hebrews 1:1-2: “Long ago…God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things.” Next, God points to the superiority of Jesus over His former spokespersons, namely, prophets or angels.

Chapter three contains a comparison between Moses and Jesus, a subject of interest to many Jews in New Testament days.

Many similarities exist. Both show rejection by the Jews. But both accomplished their missions. Both supplied bread from heaven— Moses manna and Jesus His teachings and death on the cross. Both uttered prophecies that came true.

But chapter three depicts the two differently— Moses as a servant, Jesus as a Son. Hebrews 3:5-6:

“Moses … faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things … spoken later, but Christ … faithful over God’s house as a son.”

This point is clearly made, Hebrews 3:3

“For Jesus … counted worthy of more glory than Moses— as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.”

Jesus as the builder of Christianity receives greater glory than Moses, a servant in the Old Testament Jewish system of worship.

Thus, God gave Jesus and Christianity more glory than Moses and Judaism.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus is greater than Moses.

2.Christianity is greater than Judaism.

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#JesusOverMoses #JesusOverAngels #ChristianityOverJudaism


A Miracle during a Miracle Luke 8:40-56

This post discusses a miracle that occurred while Jesus caused another miracle.

A miracle concerning touching came about during Jesus going to raise a dead girl by speaking.

This miracle during a miracle happened while Jesus traveled to cure the sick daughter of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. Jesus felt the power to heal leave Him as the crowd pressed against Him. A woman had intentionally touched him and sought healing for an issue of blood. For twelve years no one could heal her. But she had faith that if she could just touch Jesus’ clothes, healing would occur. Note, she healed instantaneously.

Jesus knew what happened. She tried to hide in the crowd, but then came forward when Jesus showed that He knew about the healing. Jesus said, “your faith has made you well; go in peace.” Luke 8:48

At that point, someone came and reported that the sick child had died. Jesus responded to Jairus, “Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well.” When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house, He described the dead girl as “sleeping.” The mourners laughed at Him because they ‘knew’ that she died. But Jesus spoke and the girl’s spirit returned, and she arose.

(Jesus also used similar language about Lazarus. John 11:11, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awaken him.” The disciples responded that a sleeping Lazarus would awaken on his own. Jesus then explained His use of the term ‘sleeping’ in John 11:14. “Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died.”)

This is the first of three times that Jesus resurrected a dead person.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus, master of every situation, knows when His tremendous healing power flows out due to the touch of an afflicted person with faith.

2.Jesus sometimes referred to death as sleeping.

3.Jesus can bring life to a dead person.

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#womanIssueOfBlood #healedByTouch. #healedByWord

Church Restoration Acts 14:23

This post discusses church restoration.

Church restoration of the New Testament church involves a dependence on and guidance by the word of God alone. For example, in every New Testament church a plurality of elders acted as the governing body, Acts 14:23 “when they had appointed elders for them in every church…”  No Bible verse authorizes one elder to be above or over the others.

However, as early as the third century, departures from the New Testament pattern popped up. In a few congregations, a ‘presiding elder’ assumed preeminence and complete control. Gradually this practice led to the name ‘priest’ applied to the controlling ruler. This practice does not surprise. Consider a verse from New Testament days, 3 John 9, “but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.”  Already present could be found the desire to elevate oneself over others. John promised to correct him.

Later, the priest of the church in Rome declared himself to be the head, the pope, over the entire church. Not everyone agreed. So, in 1054 A.D., this disagreement finally resulted in a split with Greek-speaking congregations in the east who did not accept this ‘self-declared’ pope. They became known as the Greek Orthodox Church and continue to oppose the pope.

Afterwards, further departures and abuses by about 1500 A.D. resulted in the development of a reformation movement. However, despite a partial return to the New Testament pattern, extensive further splitting provided a wide array of churches and beliefs and confusion.

Later, in the early 1800s, several people decided that a reformation was not enough. Accordingly, the need for a restoration of the church of the New Testament developed.

Eventually, some church restoration principles emerged.

1.Speak only where the Bible speaks. Be silent where it is silent.

2.Have a Bible passage highlighting a command, an example, or necessary inference for every practice.

3.Govern each congregation by elders, according to the set of qualifications in1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Deacons assist the elders, 1 Timothy 3:8-11.

What did we learn?

Restoration of the New Testament church means following only the scriptures exactly.

You’re invited to find and attend a restored New Testament church where you live.

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#pope #eldersDeacons #followOnlyNewTestament

The Demoniac Luke 8:26-39

This post, The Demoniac, covers a spectacular miracle in Gerasene and the local effects.

The demoniac appeared after Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee to the country of the Gerasenes. As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, He met a man named Legion because of the many demons that occupied his body. (The tremendous strength of this man allowed him to break free of any chains used to capture him. He roamed free without clothing.) Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out  of the man. But before the man became free, the spirits begged Jesus to be allowed to go into the pigs on the hillside instead of the abyss. The demon-possessed pigs rushed into the sea and drowned. When the people heard of it and came to see, they found the man clothed and in his right mind. Seized with fear, they asked Jesus to leave.

 This miracle has several different aspects:

1)This might seem to be a difficult healing since the man possessed a number of demons. Not so for Jesus. He just spoke the word.

2)The  demons knew the exact identity of Jesus—Son of the Most High God. They also knew their likely destiny when cast out of the man—the abyss, probably the eternal destiny of demons.

3)Although Jesus allowed the transfer to the pigs, He did not destroy the pigs. The demons destroyed the pigs and illustrated the wicked work of the devil.

4)The loss of the pigs did much to advertise to the people the miraculous power that Jesus had over the demons. However, the people seemed to care more for the financial loss of the pigs than for the man healed. So, they asked Jesus to leave —a tragic loss for them. But Jesus left the cured man behind to tell others of Jesus’ power to cast out demons.

So, what did we learn:

1.Jesus can exert tremendous power over the demoniac world.

2.Jesus does not force Himself on any country or people. If you don’t want Him, He will leave.

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#castOutDemons #demonsIntoPigs #AskedJesusToLeave

Old Testament Restoration- Ezra, Nehemiah

This post discusses restoration of correct worship in the Old Testament.

Right worship of God began with eliminating idol worship.

Old Testament worship restoration was needed because the Israelites forsook the religion that God supplied through revelation to Moses and worshipped idols. Then, God allowed their enemies to remove them from Palestine. So, they lacked a country, self-government, and the blessings God gave them earlier.

Psalm 137 describes how they felt. “By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion. On the willows there we hung up our lyres.”  Firstly, they were sad to be captives.

When Nehemiah heard of the destruction of Jerusalem, he too wept and confessed the nation’s sins, Nehemiah 1:4-7.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe their return to the land and the restoration of worship that once again pleased God. The king, Cyrus, issued a decree freeing the Israelite captives and setting up the rebuilding of a destroyed Jerusalem and the burnt temple. Ezra 1:2.

Cyrus even returned the vessels used formerly to worship God in the temple, Ezra 1:7,

Priests, Levites, and temple servants, identified by their genealogies, returned to carry out the correct physical acts of worship. They excluded those whose genealogy did not show them to be priests.

Secondly, they rebuilt the altar on its original site so that they could worship according to the law of Moses. Ezra 3:2-5. “…they built the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings on it, as it is written in the Law of Moses… They set the altar in its place… they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, burnt offerings morning and evening… they kept the Feast of Booths, as it is written… offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the rule, as each day required,”

 Ezra stressed that true restoration of worship called for following exactly the Law of Moses, given over one thousand years before.

What we learned:

The principle followed to restore correct worship encompassed following what God had written into Moses Law exactly.

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#rebuildAltar #stopIdolWorship #followGod’sWord

Teaching after Hearing Luke 8:16-25

This post examines teaching others after hearing the word.

Teaching after hearing goes together for the disciple. In the earlier parable of the Sower, Jesus stressed that proper hearing of the word allowed t Continue reading

Independence Day Romans 6:18

Independence Day Romans 6:18

This post discusses what independence means for the soul.

Independence Day, July 4, reminds us to remember the Declaration of Independence. Although the thirteen colonies declared freedom from English rule, they immediately fashioned the Articles of Confederation. Thus, the Second Continental Congress first declared freedom and then subjected the colonies to a new government.

So, Independence Day reminds us that the colonies changed from being subject to England to being under the Articles of Confederation.

Also, a slightly similar change occurs when a sinner becomes a Christian. Romans 6 teaches that at baptism the subject becomes free from sin, Romans 6:3-4, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?  Then Paul likened baptism to the death of Jesus as a death to sin and an experience of a new life.

All things considered, these verses echo what Ananias told Saul (later called Paul) at his conversion when he told him that baptism washed away his sins, Acts 22:16. This baptism comprised the teachings and writings of Paul throughout his life. This message he preached in Rome.

So, the penitent believer like the 13 colonies experiences an independence day from past sins. But, at this instance, he moves from one dominion to another. No longer a slave of sin, the baptized believer becomes the slave of righteousness, Romans 6:17-18.

To the repentant believer, this means that after baptism the Christian makes every effort toward righteousness. He follows the will of God as expressed in the New Testament in the commands of Jesus. It also means that the new Christian feels different as a slave of God’s. He tries daily to live as God desires.

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#declarationIndependence #baptismFreesFromSin #ChristiansSlavesRighteousness

Jesus as God’s Son 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Jesus as God’s Son 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

This post discusses the Deity of Jesus.

Jesus as God’s Son is a post discussing proof of His Deity. The Bible proclaims Jesus as the Son of God. Ancient manuscripts attest to the life and crucifixion of Jesus. However, the Bible provides much more trustworthy testimony. Thus, once we believe in the inspiration of the Bible, it becomes the primary source of proof for Jesus as God’s Son.

Jesus as God’s Son is shown in more than 300 fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.

This fact alone provides adequate proof of His Deity. Only God could manage all these fulfillments.

Also, the Bible contains four additional proofs:

  1. As Deity, He should openly claim to be the Son of God. He did so before the Sanhedrin court, Mark 14: 61-62: “… the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power….”

Thus, at this point, Jesus verified His claim as the Messiah.

  1. As the Son of God, He prophesied things that came true. Matthew records three times that Jesus prophesied about His death and resurrection, Matthew 16:21: “From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.”

Only Deity can truly prophesy.

  1. Jesus performed many miracles.

A spectacular miracle concerned bringing Lazarus to life. When Jesus came to Lazarus’ tomb, He prayed and said, “Lazarus come out.”  Wearing burial clothes, Lazarus came out, John:11: 43-44.

  1. His resurrection and an open tomb provide the final proof of Jesus as the Son of God.

Early on the Sunday morning after the crucifixion, two women came to the tomb, found the stone rolled away, and an empty tomb. This proves the resurrection of Jesus, Luke 24:1-3.

Later, Jesus appeared in the flesh to further verify His resurrection. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus appeared to Peter, then the twelve, then 500 brethren, then James, then to the Apostle himself, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8:

Therefore, the resurrection comprises firm proof about Jesus, the Son of God.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus fulfilled 300 Old Testament prophecies.

2.Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and performed many miracles.

3.After His crucifixion, a resurrected Jesus appeared to many.

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#JesusFulfilledProphecy #JesusProphesied #openTomb

Jesus on John Luke 7:18-35

This post discusses a question by John the Baptist, and Jesus’ comments about John.

Jesus on John as a post contrasts the two.

After his disciples reported Jesus’ activities, John, imprisoned by Herod (see Matthew 11:2), had doubts about Jesus. So, he sent two disciples to ask about Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus did not answer directly. Instead, He told John’s disciples to report to John the miracles they had seen. Jesus seems to be referencing Is. 35:5-6 and Is. 61:1 where such miracles were prophesied for the Messiah. Thus, His miracles fulfilled prophecy and served as proof of His Messiahship.

To the crowd, Jesus calls John a messenger and clarifies that John fulfilled prophecy, namely, Mal. 3:1. But, John was more than a prophet. Namely, He was a forerunner for the Lord and carried a message from God.

The comment about John being great but not as great as the least in the kingdom of God, the church, puzzles some people. However, John lived under the Old Law and did not have the opportunity to belong to the church. The members of the kingdom occupy a position greater than John and have the promise of eternal life. This comparison by Jesus emphasizes the vast importance of being in the church.

Then, Jesus references two groups of people:

1.Those who were baptized by John and believed that John delivered a command of God.

2.The scribes and lawyers who were not baptized and rejected the will of God.

From these contrasting responses, Jesus drew a word picture of two groups of children playing. One group was trying to please the other who would not be satisfied with any of their efforts. This was a comparison. John came as a rough-hewn prophet-preacher. Jesus came as an ordinary preacher doing miracles. The scribes and lawyers would not accept either John or Jesus.

This parable thus characterizes Jesus’ enemies.

Then, Jesus drew a conclusion: The disciples of John and Jesus show the rightness of the wisdom of God.

What we learned:

1.John fulfilled prophecy as a great forerunner of Jesus.

2.Members of the kingdom of God, the church, occupy a place above John the Baptist.

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#johnTheBaptist #rejectionByPharisees #proofOfMessiahship #miraclesFulfilProphecy

God and the Bible Daniel 2:36-45

God and the Bible as a post focuses on proof that God inspired the Bible.

This post, God and the Bible, provides evidence that God spoke via the Bible. Once we believe that God exists, we ask for proof that the Bible is God’s word.

God and the Bible post shows amazing prophecies that came true and gives proof that the Bible is from God. For example, when Nineveh ruled the world, Nahum 3:7, prophesied, “Wasted is Nineveh; who will grieve for her?” Nineveh’s thorough destruction made it difficult for archeologists to find its site.

Next, after Nineveh, Babylon ruled the world. However, with Babylon at the height of its glory, Isaiah 12:19 said, “… Babylon, the glory… the splendor and pomp of the Chaldeans, will be like Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Only God could know the future and utter such clear prophecies.

Many prophecies in the Bible describe the coming Messiah, Jesus.

Many details about Jesus’ trial and crucifixion are given in Isaiah 52 and 53. For example:

1.Piercing of Jesus by a Roman soldier, John 19:34.

2.His silence at His trials, Matthew 27:12-14.

3.Burial with the rich, Matthew 27:57-60.

It all happened just as prophesied.

Daniel 2 describes an outstanding prophecy to be fulfilled during the next 400 years.

In a dream, the king saw a rock or pebble destroy an image made of metal parts. Then, the pebble became a great mountain. God gave Daniel the interpretation, Daniel 2:36-45. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar, “You are the head of gold. Another kingdom inferior to you shall arise after you, and yet a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron… And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed,”

Thus, this prophecy predicted the next 400 years and four world kingdoms.  As prophesied, God sent Jesus during the Roman kingdom to be crucified for the sins of the world and to establish the church (see Acts 2). Its destruction would not happen. It all happened exactly as prophesied.

In summary, fulfilled prophecies show that Deity authored the Bible.

So, what did we learn:

The prophecies in the Bible all came true and prove that Deity was its author.

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#babylonianMedo-persianGreekRomanKingdoms #God’sKingdom #fulfilledProphecies


Two Great Miracles Luke 7:1-17

This post discusses the significance of two great miracles by Jesus.

In these two great miracles, Jesus shows deity characteristics.

In the first miracle, healing the Centurion’s servant, Jesus did not actually see the sick person, but caused the miracle to happen from a distance.

For the audience, this is a powerful miracle and an amazing story. Consider the Centurion, no doubt, a Gentile, favored by the Jews because he built their synagogue in Capernaum. This may even mean that he had converted to Judaism. Possibly, Jesus probably taught in this synagogue.

Somehow, he developed a strong faith in Jesus and His power to heal. He understood authority and especially Jesus’ great authority. He did not feel worthy of Jesus coming into his house. But, his faith caused him to say to Jesus just ‘speak the word to heal the servant.’

Jesus marveled at this depth of faith, deeper than any of the Jews.

After this, the second great miracle involved giving life to a dead person.

The first miracle had caused His fame to grow.  So, a large crowd traveled with him to Nain. At Nain’s gate, He met another crowd bearing a dead body. As the only son of a widow, no doubt older and now derived of income, Jesus felt sorrow for her. He touched the bier on which the dead man lay and stopped the procession. Jesus spoke and the man was instantaneously came back to life. He sat up, and spoke.

After this, some in the crowd called Jesus a great prophet and glorified God.

Some probably realized that four-hundred years had passed since God inspired Malachi, the last oral or written prophet of the Old Testament. Further, no one with the power to raise the dead had appeared since Elisha.

Finally, note that even the dead obeyed the voice of Jesus.

What we learned:

1.Jesus knows the depth of faith of people.

2.His fame grew.

3.He could raise the dead.

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#raiseDead #speaksMiracles #growingPopularity

God and Design Genesis 1:1

This post focuses on design to show that God must exist.

God and design analyzes the workings of the water cycle on this earth, our bodies, and our planet system.  This design could not happen by chance. This means that God must be the designer.

The earth’s water cycle begins when rain falls from the clouds. Absorption into the ground for use by plants or running off into streams and rivers provides a pooling of the water to dump into the ocean. Evaporation of the sea water for storage in the clouds occurs until the cycle repeats.

One might imagine that as the rivers spill into the oceans, they would fill up and cover the land. But despite the passage of thousands and thousands of years, this does not happen. Instead, the amount of the oceans at 71% of the globe and the land at 29% provide a steady state that remains. Thus, this division of ocean and land causes rainfall, nourishment of the plants, and replenishment of the oceans year after year. This amazing design of the workings of our planet must have come from a master designer—God—and did not happen by chance.

Consider our bodies. After food enters the stomach, absorption by the blood allows the digested food to be transported to the muscles. This replenishes the energy utilized in muscle movement. At the same time, the blood transports carbon dioxide, the product of muscle use, to the lungs to be expelled into the air.

One might imagine that expelled carbon dioxide into the air would accumulate and destroy life. However, the plants use the carbon dioxide to grow. This maintains the balance of carbon dioxide in the air at about 2%. Again, such amazing design and balance demands the existence of a highly intelligent master designer—God.

Finally, consider our planetary system. The location of the earth, so far from the sun that it takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth, allows life to exist. A closer position would make the earth too hot for people or animals to live. A location further away would result in a frozen planet without life. Such a wonderful position must come from a master designer—God.

This earth, this universe, and our bodies all point to design.

Only God could provide such design. Therefore, He must exist. The Bible names this designer as God, Genesis 1:1:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

What we learned: The designs all about us strongly support the existence of God as the master designer.

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#GodDesigner #waterCycleDesign #bloodStystemDesign #planetSystemDesigm

False Teachers Luke 6:39-49

This post shows Jesus teaching against false teachers.

In these verses, false teachers receive criticism from Jesus.

Jesus uses a parable to condemn false teachers with three statements: 1) The blind cannot lead the blind. 2) Disciples cannot rise above their teachers. 3) Hypocritical teachers and prophets should remove the big sins of their lives before correcting a brother’s smaller sins.

Thus, false teachers cannot lead their students to know the truth. Their disciples cannot learn the truth because they are taught error. These fake teachers, called hypocrites by Jesus, need to remove the large sins from their lives before correcting the smaller errors of others.

Therefore, these statements by Jesus explain the importance of self-knowledge. Namely, do I know and teach the truth? Then self-correction, that is, correcting my teaching of error, needs implementation before correcting a brother.

Next, Jesus cites a well-known fact that bad trees cannot produce good fruit.

Good fruit comes from teaching the truth.

Then, Jesus cites the source of good fruits. They come from within a good heart. Like a bad tree producing bad fruit, an evil heart produces evil words and actions.

The obvious application appears. Correct our heart first, then a brother’s sin.

Finally, building our lives on a rock requires a firm foundation in our hearts, the commands of Jesus. Building our lives without an adequate foundation of Christ’s teaching means a crash will occur in a crisis. Without a foundation of Jesus’ teaching, our lives and teachings will crash.

Note that in verse 46, Jesus condemns belief and confession without obedience. These people believed in Jesus and even confessed Him. But they would not do what Jesus said. Even though they believed and confessed, without obedience they would reap the result of building on the sand.

What we learned:

1.False or fake teachers produce bad students like bad trees produce bad fruit.

2.Obedience from the heart to the commands of Jesus will provide a life built upon a solid spiritual foundation.

3.Always correct our own teaching before correcting others.

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#rockFoundation #goodBadFruit #goodBadTree #speakFromHeart

God and Logic Genesis 1:1

‘God and Logic’ shows logically that God exists

God and logic, used in an analysis of the origin of the universe, shows that God exists. We know from our practical everyday knowledge that solid matter cannot come from nothing. In short, nothing produces nothing. According to all we know, one must start with something containing atoms and electrons to make something solid like this world.

We see the earth and the universe existing all about us. So, where did it all come from? Some say that in the distant past electrons and atoms somehow managed to form the world we live in. But the question to those people remains: where did those early electrons and atoms come from?

However, they can continue to answer that these early electrons and atoms came from even earlier electrons and atoms. Again, the question remains as to the source of these earlier atoms. Ultimately, all atoms and electrons must come from nothing before there were any atoms and electrons. How could this occur since our experience says that nothing always provides nothing?

A logical answer to the source of the universe is that in the beginning before electrons and atoms existed, a tremendous force, God, with vastly superior knowledge from outside any universe and not itself made up of atoms and electrons must have created all the atoms and electrons that now make up this world.

Thus, to explain the origin of this world logically an outside force of great power and intellect must have been involved creating something from nothing in the beginning. The Bible records this happening in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Thus, logic shows that God must exist to create this world.

What we learned:

1.The universe must have come from creation by a powerful force of great intellectual ability outside of this world, namely God.

 2.The Bible attributes creation to God.

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#beginning #somethingNothing #GodPowerfulForceIntellect

Daily Living for Jesus’ Disciples Luke 6:32-38

This post amplifies Jesus’ teaching of His disciples about daily living.

Jesus’ disciples will utilize the golden rule “as you you wish that others would do to you, do so to them,” and “love your enemies.”

Now, Jesus explains daily living for his disciples the attitude needed to carry out these two principles. Verse 36 provides the key—“be merciful even as your Father is merciful.” Daily living as a Christian requires disciples to be merciful like God. We treat others with mercy, love, and thoughtfulness. Also, reciprocation where we only extend love and mercy to those that love us does not characterize the life of Jesus’ disciples.

Next, Jesus details how His disciples judge and  analyze the lives of those in sin.

We treat them as God treats them and do not judge without adequate proof and never on hearsay.

Further, examination of other scriptures shows that sometimes we must decide or judge on some things of great importance. For example, the church must decide upon the sinfulness of members. See 1 Corinthians chapter 5 for instructions on withdrawing fellowship from someone. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said in Matthew 7:6, to “not throw your pearls before pigs.” Such a decision of the mind requires a decision or judgment before designating a person into the classification of pigs.

Thus, this prohibition by Jesus means judging others without evidence. In other words, don’t judge on hearsay.

What we learned:

1.In daily living, disciples of Jesus, like God, need to be compassionate, kind, and helpful to their fellowman even though they may not receive reciprocation and may even be persecuted.

2.Followers of Jesus in their daily living, like God, do not judge or decide character or sinfulness without adequate proof.

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#disciplesCompassionateLoveEnemies #mercifulLikeGod #judgeNot

Jesus and Angels Hebrews 1-2

This post discusses Jesus and angels and how we should consider them.

The Hebrews writer contrasted Jesus and angels in Hebrews 1 and 2. The word ‘angel’ means messenger. The Hebrews writer calls them “ministers” and “ministering spirits”, Hebrews 1:7, 14, sent to God’s people. Much of the work of angels in the Bible involved bringing messages from God. For example, in Luke chapter 1, the Archangel Gabriel revealed God’s word to Zechariah and Mary about the coming births of John the Baptist and Jesus.

God sometimes endowed Angels with special powers or characteristics. For example, in 2 Kings 19:35 an angel killed 185,000 enemies in one night. Also, sometimes angels can cause anxiety. Soldiers were guarding Jesus’ tomb. But when an angel came and rolled away the large stone, they feared, Matthew 28:2-3:

“an angel of the Lord…came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men.”

Clearly, angels were very impressive.

So, how much attention should we give angels?

In chapter one, Hebrews begins by asserting that God previously spoke by the prophets. But now He speaks through His Son. Then, the writer points to the superiority of Jesus over another of God’s former speakers, namely, angels, because Jesus sits at God’s right hand. Then, God says that the Son will have a throne forever and ever. To make the point even more forcefully, God asks a rhetorical question in Hebrews 1:13 as to which angel did God ever say, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?

The answer is ‘no one.’ Clearly, this statement honors only His Son and not angels. Thus, speaking through His Son now supersedes God speaking to people through angels. This means that we should revere and listen to Jesus as recorded in the New Testament. Today we should not expect to hear from an angel. God wants us to listen to His Son.

What did we learn?

1.Jesus, superior to angels, sits at God’s right hand eternally.

2.God now speaks via His Son.

3.Angels no longer reveal God’s will on this earth.

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#angelsfearful #GodspeaksSon #JesusSuperiorAngels

The Sermon on the Plain Luke 6:17-31

This Sermon on the plain discusses what Jesus taught about how to live.

Jesus’ Sermon on the plain covers beatitudes about people with low income, woes concerning the rich, and the attitude of mind in daily living. At the end of the sermon when Jesus summarized, He gave ‘the golden rule,’ Luke 6:31: “…as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

Luke chapter six opens with a description of the large multitude who came for healing and to hear Jesus’ teachings. His amazing power to heal could go from Him when they touched Him.

In this sermon, He spoke beatitudes about people with low income, Luke 6:20-23:

““Blessed are … poor, for yours is the kingdom of God …who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied… who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed … when people hate you … exclude you …revile you …spurn your name, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day…your reward is great in heaven.”

Thus, the message of the beatitudes applies to those poor in this world’s goods. Following Jesus would allow them future entrance into the kingdom of God. Then, they will receive an eternal reward that makes for rejoicing now, even though living in poverty.

Next in the sermon, the four woes Jesus pronounces on the rich —they will receive consolation, experience hunger, mourn and weep—express regrets for their condition, Luke 6:24-26.

They refuse to follow Jesus and therefore suffer eternal loss. If people all speak well of a person, they fall into the class of the false prophets who received material rewards for their falsehoods.

Then, as Jesus continues His preaching, He commands a general attitude of life of kindness and forbearance toward those who mistreat us. We should never seek revenge. We should pray for and love our enemies. Disciples of Jesus will  show this attitude.

Finally in the sermon on the plain, Jesus expresses the golden rule,‘ Treat others as we wish to be treated.’

What we learned:

1.The correct attitude of a heart of kindness and forbearance characterizes Jesus’ disciples.

2.Discipleship should outrank a desire for riches.

3.We should follow the golden rule as an attitude in life toward others.

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#goldenRule #woeToRich #AttitudeOfHeart


The Holy City Revelation 21-22

This post discusses the Holy City and what it means.

The Holy City, described in Revelation 21 and 22 was seen by John as it came down from heaven. John also calls the city “a new Heaven and a new earth,” and “new Jerusalem,” in Revelations 21:1-2. In this new earth that John saw, old Jerusalem and the seas did not exist. John also saw God, resplendent as a new bride, dwelling in the city among His people. Also John saw that this new earth had no pain and suffering and death.

The Holy City emerges in the book of Revelation after the finishing of all the prophecies and actions.

God explained “… the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” said “It is done!” in Revelation 21:6. The statement ‘It is done’ means that God had completed His work. Satan, his angels, and all the wicked were in the lake of fire. Those remaining, the redeemed, reside with God in the Holy City.

What did this name mean to John?

‘Holy’ shows that holiness characterizes the city where God and the saved dwell.  Because of God’s holiness, no light such as the sun or moon appears because God provides the light. In this Holy City, God also provides eternal life for His people “from the spring of the water of life,” Revelation 21:6. Drinking this water insures eternal life for the redeemed people of God.

In order to impress John, a special angel showed him the appearance of the city, Revelation 1:10-11:

“… and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God.”

As John saw the city coming down, he could see it gave glory to God.

Then, John saw many details: great, high walls, twelve beautiful gates, and everything covered with gold. Next, underneath the city, he saw twelve foundations that provided eternal security for the residents. In addition, someone estimated the size of this city as being over a million miles on each side of a cube.

The angel also showed John eternal food and drink, Revelation 22:1-2, “…angel showed me the river of the water of life… flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb… also, on either side of the river, the tree of life,”

To summarize, the city, prepared for the redeemed, shows beauty and description almost beyond belief. God dwells there for His people to worship forever. Looking forward, God’s people see the city as an extreme and wonderful blessing.

What we learned:

1.Worshipped eternally in the Holy City, God will dwell among his people.

2.This eternal abode possesses great beauty.

3.The Holy City, new Jerusalem in a new heaven and a new earth, provides a great blessing for the redeemed in eternity.

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#GodIsLight #savedInCity #newHeavenNewEarth

Sabbath Criticism Luke 6:1-16

Sabbath criticism discusses criticism of Jesus and His actions.

Sabbath Criticism of Jesus involved His disciples plucking grain to eat.

Sabbath criticism by the Pharisees involved Jesus for not teaching them to obey their ‘teachings of the elders.’ (The Pharisees made up the ‘teachings of the elders,’ a set of rules apart from Moses’ Law.) They considered plucking grain and rubbing it so they could eat it a violation of God’s Law prohibiting working on the Sabbath.

Jesus gave a two-fold answer. First, he pointed to their lack of consistency. King David sinned by eating the showbread from the tabernacle. They did not condemn King David but criticized Him for not teaching their made-up doctrine.

Second, he pointed to His position as ‘Lord of the Sabbath.’ That meant that He knew the Old Law and correct Sabbath conduct. So, His disciples committed no sin.

Criticism also occurred when Jesus saw a man with a withered hand in the synagogue audience as He taught.

The Scribes and Pharisees watched to find something of which they could accuse Him. Jesus knew their thoughts and motioned for the man to come closer. Then He asked a rhetorical question about whether it was proper to do good or do harm, to save life or destroy life on the Sabbath. Everyone knew the answer. Then He healed the man. This made the scribes and Pharisees angry and accelerated their desire to harm Him. At this point, Luke shows the increasing anger of the scribes and Pharisees.

Thereafter, a set of vital decisions loomed ahead foSr Jesus. So, after praying all night, He chose twelve of His disciples to become apostles. Judas, not now a traitor, became a traitor later.

What we learned:

1.Jesus possesses the power to heal, and how to deal with His enemies’ criticism.

2. Jesus communicated with His heavenly Father and carefully chose His apostles after a night of prayer.

Here are more links to the Bible: https://berksblog.net  https://justchristian.com  https://podcastjustchristian.com

#hungryDisciplesSabbath #healedWitheredHand #KingDavidSinned #LordOfTheSabbath #twelveChosen

Sins in Jude

This post, Sins in Jude, discusses three examples of rebellious sin and the lessons to us.

Sins in Jude involves how God dealt with previous sinful behavior.

Initially, Jude set out to write about the faith. Instead, the ungodly conduct of some caused him to write, v.3 “to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  Some ungodly people were perverting the faith. Their teaching involved sexual sins and denying the rulership of Jesus. Jude cites three examples that show the folly of those sins.

In v.5, Jude describes the first example involving unbelieving Israelites, “Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.”

This happened in Numbers 16 when more than 250 men assembled against Moses and Aaron, God’s-appointed leaders. God punished them with death.

As a second example, Jude follows in v. 6 with what happened to fallen angels.

“And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day…”

These angels would not remain in their proper God-appointed sphere. They rebelled against the right and power of God to be in control. They now wait in darkness and chains for the final judgment day.

In Jude v.7, Jude cites Sodom and Gomorrah as the third example. In Genesis 19, God sent angels to examine the sexual behavior of several cities in the valley below Abraham. These citizens exhibited God-forbidden homosexual practices and were then destroyed by fire from heaven.

Continuing in v.8, Jude uses three phrases to describe the ungodly people threatening the church.

“Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.”

These phrases identify heretics in the church, both then and now.

Jude’s lesson: If God did not let any of the three sinful past activities escape, then God will not overlook similar activities now.

Instead, we must respect His written word in the New Testament.

What do we learn?

1.God expects obedience to His word and respect.

2.The punishment for offenders involves eternal chains and darkness.

3.Christians must avoid sexual sins and rebellion against the authority of God.

For more links on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#rebelliousIsraelites #fallenAngels #SodomGomarrah

Criticism of Jesus Luke 5:33-39

This post discusses new criticism of Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees.

Criticism of Jesus at this point concerned His disciples not fasting.

Earlier grumbling about Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners now brought on this new criticism. So, here they criticize His training of His disciples, Matthew 5:33: “And they said to him, “The disciples of John fast often and offer prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink.”

Their comment infers that Jesus failed to teach his disciples correctly, unlike John the Baptist and the Pharisees who followed the Old Law. Thus, they say that Jesus sins by this omission. Jesus answered, Luke 5:34: “And Jesus said to them, “Can you make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?”

As they mulled this question in their minds, they should have realized that fasting as wedding guests does not occur. It is inappropriate as long as the groom is present.

Jesus then told them that in the future, fasting of the disciples would happen because at that point, Jesus would not be present. This, the first indication of the cross and Jesus’ later ascension into heaven, appears early in His ministry.

To further teach the inappropriateness of what they were suggesting, Jesus then told them a two-fold parable.

One cannot use new cloth to repair an old garment. When washed, the shrinkage of the new cloth will pull a hole in the old garment. They knew this was true, no doubt, from earlier experiences.

Likewise, they surely remembered the inappropriateness of putting new wine into old wineskins. On storage the new wine expands and bursts the old wineskins. Again, they knew this as a truism.

Jesus told these two examples of inappropriate behavior to illustrate that the old law does not mix with the new (Christianity.)

Jesus then characterizes the scribes and Pharisees as liking the ‘old’ more than the new. Their contentment with the Old Law made them not want to even hear Jesus tell of something new from God.

For the first time, Luke records opposition to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees—an opposition that would increase.

What we learned:

1.Jesus always answers criticism correctly.

2.The Old Law does not mix with Christianity.

3.At a future time, a separation from His disciples will occur.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#johnTheBaptist’Pharisee’sDisciples #NewWineBurstOldWineskins #JesusTakenAway

The Father and the Son; Matthew 3; 2 Peter 1; John 12

This post discusses the close relationship of God the Father and Jesus the Son.

The Father and the Son interacted via prayer and public announcements. The scriptures show that Jesus as the Son often sought out a quiet place to pray to the Father, Luke 5:15-16, “…he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” In this way, the Son frequently communicated with the Father and, no doubt, constantly received strength to continue His long and difficult mission.

Three times the Father spoke publicly from Heaven about the Son and His work. Each emphasized the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the Son.

The first occasion occurred in the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry just after His baptism by John the Baptist, Matthew 3:16-17:

“…when Jesus was baptized… behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

In this way, the Father announced His approval publicly.

  1. The second time God spoke about Jesus and His work happened at the transfiguration in front of three disciples.  Accordingly, Peter wrote that God the Father spoke from heaven, 2 Peter 1:18:

“For when he received honor and glory from God the Father…we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.”

Then, Jesus, nearing the end of His ministry, heard God speak for a third time, John 12:28-29:

“Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” The crowd that stood there and heard it said that it had thundered.”

This occasion happened after Jesus heard that Greeks sought Him. At that point, Jesus knew that the time for His death approached and that the cross glorified the Father. The voice from heaven assured Him of that fact.

In summary, what do these three utterances from heaven teach?

1.Firstly, these verses show that the Father and the Son communicated both publicly and in prayer during Jesus’ ministry.

2.Secondly, God encouraged Jesus at critical points in His ministry.

3.Finally, the public announcements show Jesus as God’ Son.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#God’sVoiceEncouragesJesus #proofJesus’Deity #JesusPraysFather

Jesus and Sinners Luke 5:17-32

Jesus and sinners, discussed in this post, shows His interaction with two sinners.

Jesus and sinners interacted in His teaching. He attracted great crowds from everywhere to listen and to see Him cure the afflicted. As He spoke, Pharisees and teachers of the Law assembled with the crowds.

During a teaching session, some men brought a paralytic on his bed for possible healing by Jesus. But they could not enter the house to get close to Jesus because of the crowd. So, they ascended to the rooftop. There they removed enough of the rooftiles to lower the man to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “your sins are forgiven you.”

The assembled Pharisees and teachers labeled this language as blasphemy. They probably expected Jesus to heal the man by just speaking. Instead, Jesus forgave the man’s sins, something they knew only God could do. In this way, they rejected Jesus’ previous miracles as proof of His Deity.

Jesus knew their thoughts and asked about the difficulty of curing paralysis or forgiving sins. Then He healed the paralytic.

This miracle, a powerful argument that proved Jesus’ Deity, caused amazement and glorification of God.

After this, Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax booth. The public considered tax collectors to be noted sinners. Yet, Jesus called him by saying “follow me.”

Note that Levi—like Peter—left everything to follow Jesus. The next day Levi arranged for his friends to meet Jesus in a big reception. When Jesus attended, the scribes and Pharisees grumbled and disapproved of eating with sinners.

Jesus’ answer to them revealed much about His mission, Luke 5:31-32:

“And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

That reply explained why Jesus ate with and talked to sinners. The scribes and Pharisees imagined themselves as righteous, not needing repentance or teaching by Jesus.

What we learn in these verses:

1.Jesus as Deity could forgive sin.

2.Jesus came to call the sinful to repentance.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#JesusHealedForgaveSinsParalyzedMan #JesusCalledTaxCollector #JesusDeity

Jesus and Sinners Luke 5:17-32

Jesus and Sinners Luke 5:17-32

Jesus and Sinners Luke 5:17-32

Jesus and sinners, discussed in this post, shows His interaction with two sinners.

Jesus and sinners interacted in His teaching. He attracted great crowds from everywhere to listen and to see Him cure the afflicted. As He spoke, Pharisees and teachers of the Law assembled with the crowds.

During a teaching session, some men brought a paralytic on his bed for possible healing by Jesus. But they could not enter the house to get close to Jesus because of the crowd. So, they ascended to the rooftop. There they removed enough of the rooftiles to lower the man to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “your sins are forgiven you.”

The assembled Pharisees and teachers labeled this language as blasphemy. They probably expected Jesus to heal the man by just speaking. Instead, Jesus forgave the man’s sins, something they knew only God could do. In this way, they rejected Jesus’ previous miracles as proof of His Deity.

Jesus knew their thoughts and asked about the difficulty of curing paralysis or forgiving sins. Then He healed the paralytic.

This miracle, a powerful argument that proved Jesus’ Deity, caused amazement and glorification of God.

After this, Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax booth. The public considered tax collectors to be noted sinners. Yet, Jesus called him by saying “follow me.”

Note that Levi—like Peter—left everything to follow Jesus. The next day Levi arranged for his friends to meet Jesus in a big reception. When Jesus attended, the scribes and Pharisees grumbled and disapproved of eating with sinners.

Jesus’ answer to them revealed much about His mission, Luke 5:31-32:

“And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

That reply explained why Jesus ate with and talked to sinners. The scribes and Pharisees imagined themselves as righteous, not needing repentance or teaching by Jesus.

What we learn in these verses:

1.Jesus as Deity could forgive sin.

2.Jesus came to call the sinful to repentance.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#JesusHealedForgaveSinsParalyzedMan #JesusCalledTaxCollector #JesusDeity

The Two Resurrections 1 Corinthians 15

The Two Resurrections 1 Corinthians 15

This post concerns the two resurrections found in 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus first, then Christians.

In 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul starts the discussion of the two resurrections by first affirming the resurrection of Jesus, 1 Corinthians 15:3-6: “…I delivered to you… Christ died for our sins… he was buried… he was raised on the third day… he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time…” The Apostle cites the two-fold proof of Jesus’ resurrection—the open tomb and the visual appearances.

Note Jesus retained the same visual features and voice as in earlier life. For example, Jesus showed Thomas the marks of the crucifixion on His resurrected body. Also, as Deity, He still retained miraculous powers, John 20:26-27, “Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them.”  Through locked doors, Jesus came and stood among them. He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side…”

Paul needed to counteract the teaching that a bodily resurrection would not occur. He explained that such teaching also meant that Jesus was still in the grave. Further, such teaching robs Christianity of its power. Then he affirmed the resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:20, “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, ”

Next, he describes the resurrection of Christians, 1 Corinthians 15:35, “But someone will ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?”

To clarify, the Apostle used an analysis of a seed. The seed splits open or dies and then produces a new plant with a new body unlike the seed. The human body placed in the grave as perishable emerges as a new, imperishable body, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, “So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What … sown … perishable; what… raised … imperishable.”

Even those remaining alive when Jesus comes will receive an imperishable body.

1 Corinthians 15:51: “We shall not all sleep, but …  all … changed.”

In summary, the Apostle describes Jesus’ resurrection and secondly, that of the saved.

We learn two lessons:

1.At the resurrection, the new human body will be like Jesus’—imperishable.

2.The imperishable body of the saved will be unlike the old, buried body.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#resurrectionJesus #resurrectionChristians #imperishable body

JESUS and MIRACLES Luke 5:1-16

This post concerns the miracles of Jesus in His work of selecting apostles and preaching.

Two miracles occurred during Jesus’ teaching. While by the lake of Gennesaret, He began to teach, Luke 5:2-6: “he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, he asked him to put out a little from the land… he sat down and taught the people from the boat. And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.”

Note the characteristics of these ordinary men chosen as apostles—hard at work in their daily lives as fishermen cleaning their nets.

These obedient men did as Jesus asked even when it contradicted their expectations. After experiencing a nighttime of failure, these commercial fishermen might reply, ‘If there were any fish, we would have caught them.’ Instead, Peter said, ‘I will obey, because You commanded it.’

Jesus then miraculously caused many fish to enter their nets.

Seeing the miracle, Peter acknowledged his sinful nature and gave up everything to follow Him, Luke 5:8,11:

“But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord…”

 “…And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.”

In this apostolic call, Jesus changed their lives from catching fish to catching men—that is, from commercial fishing to teaching and converting men to believe in Jesus.

After calling these disciples, Jesus went to other towns to teach. In one of these he healed a man of leprosy, an extreme physical sickness, by just touching him. Immediately the leprosy left him.

Jesus told the man to go show himself to the priest—the requirement under the Law of Moses for being clear of leprosy—see Lev. 14:2-32. This illustrates that Jesus lived and died under the Old Testament Law and insisted that people obey it.

Although Jesus told him to not tell others of his cleansing, somehow the news spread and Jesus became even more famous as time passed.

After these two notable miracles, Jesus found a desolate place to pray to His Heavenly Father.

In summary:

1.Jesus assembled obedient disciples.

2.Jesus can overcome the most dreaded disease—leprosy.

3.Jesus lived under and obeyed Moses’ Law.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#JesusHealedLeper #disciplesObedient #disciplesGiveUpAll #JesusKeptOldLaw

Heaven as an Inheritance Matthew 25:34

This post discusses the meaning of heaven as an inheritance.

When Jesus discussed the judgment day, he described heaven as a kingdom, an inheritance, Matthew 25:34: “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

Thus, as members of the family of God, heaven remains an unearned gift of God. Jesus said the children of God will receive heaven as an inheritance in eternity as a gift of grace from God.

Unfortunately, some children imagine that they deserve the inheritance due to their position as a member of the family. Parental grace does not enter their thinking. Likewise, Christians may have this warped view and imagine they deserve heaven. Instead, we should view this eternal abode in heaven as a gift of undeserved grace.

John the Baptist dealt forcefully with this erroneous view in the minds of his Jewish listeners, Luke 3:8: “Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.”

Obviously, the children of Abraham imagined that they didn’t need to bear fruits showing repentance. John the Baptist pointed out that God valued the present state of their heritage as no better than stones. Today, we must also view any heritage in God’s kingdom as a gift, not something we deserve. Instead, once we enter the kingdom of God—the church— heaven becomes a gift as part of our heritage.

The Apostle Paul made clear that salvation is by grace and not works, Ephesians 2:8-9:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Note that the Apostle does not mention an earned salvation because of being in the family.

 What do we learn about heaven as a heritage?

1.We receive heaven as a gift as part of our heritage.

2.Belonging to the church by itself does not earn us a place in heaven.

3.As a member of the family of God, heaven remains a gift of God not something earned.

See earlier posts by this author? Click  https://tdroberts.org

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#heritageByGrace #graceSavedThroughFaith

Jesus in Capernaum Luke 4:31-44

Jesus in Capernaum Luke 4:31-44

This post concerns Jesus in Capernaum and lessons therefrom.

‘Jesus in Capernaum’ describes how Jesus ministered in villages other than Nazareth.  This, the beginning of Jesus’ personal ‘healing work’, involved twenty-one miracles cited by Luke as proof of His divinity. Note that He taught with power and authority. He then demonstrated that power and authority by casting out the evil spirit of an unclean demon who acknowledged Jesus as “the Holy One of God.” Because it was inappropriate for Jesus to be acknowledged by a demon, Jesus told the demon to be quiet and come out of the man.

Much of the amazement of the onlookers resulted when they realized that Jesus could cast out the demon simply by speaking. In this way, the onlookers could link his authority and power with his words.

As a result of this miracle, the news about Jesus spread far and wide.

The next demonstration of Jesus’ power involved healing the high fever of Simon’s mother-in-law by simply speaking. This is the first ‘disease-healing-miracle’ that Jesus did as reported by Luke. This is also the only time Jesus rebuked a disease during healing. This miracle showed Jesus’ power, not only over demons, but over disease.

The Jews would not travel very far on the Sabbath because longer would involve working on the Sabbath, forbidden by the Law of Moses in Ex. 12:16. But when the sun went down and a new day began, many came. Jesus cast out demons and healed them all. Again, He would not allow the demons to testify that He was the Son of God.

Sometimes, Jesus “laid His hands” on them to cure them.

On the next day, they desired that Jesus stay with them. However, He replied that He came into the world to preach the good news about the kingdom of God in many towns. So, he turned south to preach to towns in Judea.

What can we learn from these verses?

1.Jesus could cast out demons and heal diseases by the words He spoke as proof of His divinity.

2.He did not allow the demons to identify Him.

3.He preached and healed far and wide.

For more on the Bible click https://berksblog.net or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#castOutDemonsDeseases #demonsForbiddenToIdentifyJesus #JesusSpokeWithPowerAuthority



LUKE 1:26-38                                  

  1. Announce Jesus Birth: In the previous post on Luke, an angel announced that John would be born. If you missed the post, click https://tdroberts.org

2.  In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, an angel, Gabriel, was sent to Nazareth to a virgin, Mary. She was betrothed to Joseph, a man in the lineage of David, v. 26-27. (A betrothal was a contract like an engagement in which the couple was bound to each other but not married.)

Gabriel’s unusual greeting—“Greetings O favored one, the Lord is with you”—surprised Mary. Gabriel told her that she “had found favor with God.” She would bear a Son named Jesus who would be called the “Son of the Most High.” He would be given the throne of David. (See 2 Samuel 7:4-16 for the promise of the Messiah to reign on David’s throne.) His kingdom would last forever, v. 33.

Mary believed the angel but didn’t understand how it would happen since she was a virgin. Perhaps she wondered if the conception would come after her marriage to Joseph.

Gabriel told her that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her for conception. This would make the child “holy—the Son of God.” This meant that neither Joseph nor any other man would be involved. The Holy Spirit would be responsible for the conception.

As a sign that the message was from God, Mary was told that her older relative, Elizabeth, was six months along in her first pregnancy.

It is remarkable, but Mary accepted this future birth and declared herself a servant of the Lord.

Mary’s faith and the fact that God managed the birth of both the forerunner, John, and Jesus is faith building for us.

      3. What I learned: Nothing is impossible with God, v. 37

#unusualBirth #GabrielsMessage #BirthJesus

#27 Question: What was the old preacher always saying?

2 Timothy 4:2                                    The Circuit Rider

#27 Question: What was the old preacher always saying?

The old man was a gospel preacher, kinda. All week long he worked as a janitor for the ‘gyp mill’ in Acme, Texas. On Sundays, he would get up very early and stand on the highway outside his rented company house to flag down the westbound Greyhound bus. He would then ride northwest on Highway 287 to an ‘appointment’ to preach in one of four or five small congregations in small towns along the highway. After the evening service, he would return home on the eastbound Greyhound bus. Usually, he would be paid at least the cost of the bus ticket, sometimes less than one dollar.

In this way he could be called a more modern ‘circuit rider without a horse.’

As he got the opportunity, he would always encourage young men to become preachers and “Preach the word” like Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2: “…preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” Two of his sons became preachers.

Only God knows how much good he accomplished. The lesson to us is to do what we can with what we have and let God worry about the increase.

See earlier posts? Click  https://tdroberts.org

#PreachWord #circuitRider #doWhatWeCan


The Bible and OLD AGE #25 … YOU BELIEVE IN GOD?   In old age, some have lost faith in God. Yet, our universe had to come from somewhere. Consider the design all about us. The earth is the perfect distance from the sun to not burn up or freeze. The rain cycle continues to pour the output of rivers into the ocean without ever filling it up. The human body has an amazing blood system to take food and oxygen to every part of the body. All this shows design. Only God could accomplish this great design, Genesis 1.

#designComesFromGod #universeFromSomewhere #genesis1 #earthNotBurn #earthNotFreeze #oceanNeverFull #riversIntoOceans #humanBodyDesigned #bloodCarriesFoodOxygen #rainCycleContinues #OnlyGodCouldDesign #GodGreatDesigner


The Bible and OLD AGE #18 … CHURCH IS BORING …  Sometimes, older people think of church as boring because we view worship like attendance at a concert or sports event. If I’m bored at concerts or games, I stop going because I’m bored. Worship should be the opposite. It’s not for my entertainment. I’m the one on stage or on the field and God is watching. I need to do my best to sing, pray, and listen to please God and not me.

#boringChurch #boringWorship #worshipLikeConcert #GodIsWatching #PleaseGod #singForGod #PrayToGod #worshipGod #worshipNotEntertainment #churchInspiring? #i’mBored #stopIfBored

John 13:31-32

What is meant by ‘Now is the Son of Man GLORIFIED?’ John 13:31-32

Once Judas has left the upper room, Jesus begins to prepare the eleven for the terrible crucifixion on the morrow. He describes Himself as the sacrifice and Savior of the world and the cross as a glorification of both Himself and God the Father—see also 1 John 4:14. The Father will also be glorified by Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb.

#Judusleft #JesusPreparesApostles #crucifixionOnMorrow #JesusTheSacrifice #JesusTheSavior #crossGlorificationJesusFather #resurrectionGlorifiesJesus #resurrectionGlorifiesFather #1John4:14 #SonOfMan #SonOfManGlorified


Ephesians 5:25-33

“HUSBANDS love your wives as Christ loved the church.” Eph 5:25-33

This means love sacrificially because Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice. This means love purposefully because Jesus died for a purpose…to save the church, v. 26-27. This means love her as yourself, v. 33.

Am I loving my wife scripturally? Do I sacrifice for her? Do I purposefully do things for her? Do I do for her as I do for myself?

#husbandsLoveWives #ChristLovedChurch #loveSacrificially #lovePurposefully #loveAsSelf #SaveTheChurch #sacrificeForWife #loveWifeScripturally #doPurposefullyForWife #selfCheck #forHusbands


The Bible and OLD AGE #17 … IS CHRISTIANITY WORTH IT? … Older people see the failures, disappointments, mistakes of life, and the feebleness of old age and wonder if religion is worth it. The problem is our scope is limited to this life. It’s a mistake to equate heaven with our life on earth. Heaven will be like living in a mansion, John 14:1-3, without the fear of death, Revelation 21:1-4. Get ready. It’s worth it!

#worthIt? #olderPeopleWorthIt? #scopeLimitedToLife #mansionInHeaven #John14:1-3 #Revelations21:1-4 #failuresMakeReligionWorthIt #feeblenesOldAge #mistakesOfLife #mistakeEquateHeavenEarthLife #noFearDeath #heavenWorthIt

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