What was the RESULT from the miracle on the blind man? John 9:13-38

The result: two classes of people were formed—Disbelieving Jews and the healed man. The miracle caused the man to say ‘He is a prophet,’ v. 17. When the Jews said Jesus was a sinner, the cured man said ‘He was from God,’ v. 33. The Jews cast him out of the synagogue. When Jesus explained that He was the ‘Son of Man,’ the cured man replied, “Lord, I believe.” The miracles of Jesus still cause belief and disbelief today.

#disbelievingJews #believingHealedMan #healedMan #JesusProphet #SonOfMan #castOutSynagogue #LordIBelieve #miraclesCauseBelief #miraclesCauseDisAbelief #JesusFromGod #twoClassesOfPeople