DEMAS deserts Paul 2 Timothy 4:10

Mentioned only three times in the New Testament, Demas appears to fall away from the Christian faith in favor of the world.

In the first place, he greets Paul in about 62 A.D. as a faithful Christian, Colossians 4:14:

“Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does Demas.”

Classed with Luke, shows faithfulness in the work of Rome to spread the gospel in 62 A.D.

In the second place, he greets Philemon at about the same time, Philemon 23, 24:

“Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends greetings to you, and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.”

To put it another way, as a fellow worker this young mam appears to be a faithful worker for the Lord. Paul used him in the work of preaching the gospel and carrying letters to different churches.

In any event, he deserted Paul in 64 A.D. in his second imprisonment, 2 Timothy 4:10:

“For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica.”

That is to say, this tragedy happened when Paul needed him the most… just before or perhaps during Paul’s death sentence.

On the negative side, what temptations could have captured him?

Three areas of the world attract such people.

For example, could the suggestive actions and absent clothing of worldly entertainment lure such people away from the Lord?

Secondly, could the world provide fame and fortune if they would forfeit Christianity?

Finally, could the world lure people away by giving them material possessions?

In conclusion, the conduct of Demas teaches us an important lesson to not let the love of the world cause us to desert Jesus and Christianity.

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#lovingWorld #desertingChristianity #fallingAway