Three Woes Luke 11:37-44
This post covers three woes pronounced by Jesus on the Pharisees and their way of life.
Three Woes as a post discusses the meaning of these woes. A Pharisee invited Jesus for a meal and then displayed astonishment that Jesus did not ceremonially wash before eating. Jesus used the occasion to teach about the lives of Pharisees, Luke 11: 39-41.
“And the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also? But give as alms those things that are within, and behold, everything is clean for you.”
Only a foolish one would give a dish of contaminated food as alms. The Pharisees showed inward contamination. God knows outer and inner contamination. Jesus says clean up your lives,.
In this way, Jesus condemned their way of life. They emphasized outward cleaning such as ceremonial washing before eating meals and neglected their inward greed and wickedness. Jesus taught that they should change and provide the thoughts of a clean, inner heart as a gift to the economically disadvantaged.
Jesus then pronounces woes on these Pharisees:
1)They neglected justice and the love of God while trying to appear religious by counting seeds as tithes. But they failed to love God by not obeying His laws completely.
2)They desired self-glory by getting the chief seats in the synagogues and receiving greetings as Rabbi in the marketplace instead of giving God the glory for their blessings.
3)Their daily lives caused those who were in contact with them to resemble walking on unmarked graves and thereby becoming spiritually unclean.
So, what did we learn?
1.Jesus condemns an outward show of cleanliness when the heart is unclean.
2.God requires exact obedience to all His commands.
3.We should glorify God instead of self.
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