The True Vine   John 15:1-2

This post concerns the true vine, Jesus.

‘The True Vine’ explains what Jesus meant by His analogy of the vine and the branches, John 15:1. “I am the true vine, and my Father… the vinedresser.” In the previous chapter, Jesus talked about His departure. In this chapter, He explains the nature of their future relationship, John 15:2. “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”

So, God’s people were characterized in the Old Testament as a vine, Jeremiah 2:21. “Yet I planted you a choice vine, wholly of pure seed. How then have you turned degenerate and become a wild vine?”  Thus, worshipping idols made them into a wild vine, totally unacceptable to the Lord.

Then, Jesus explains how the Lord deals with the individual members of the true vine.

We see, every branch falls into one of two categories.  Those in the first category will show fruit bearing character and undergo pruning, John 15:2. “and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” (So, Peter exemplifies pruning. Jesus asked him about loving Him three times in John 21.)

Secondly, the disciple becomes non-fruit bearing, such as Judas, John 15:2, 6.  Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away…

… and If anyone does not abide in me he… thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches… gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.”

Note, eternal torment awaits non-fruit bearing disciples.

Also, these verses teach that we must remain faithful and abide in Jesus, John 15:5. “I am the vine; you… the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he… bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”  Thus, we cannot save ourselves.

So, what did we learn?

1.A vine depicts Jesus interacting with disciples as branches.

2.Fruit-bearing disciples show pruning.

3.God removes non-fruit bearing disciples and assigns them a place in hell.

4.Remaining in Jesus, the vine, remains an essential requirement of bearing fruit and salvation.

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