The Sermon on the Plain Luke 6:17-31

This Sermon on the plain discusses what Jesus taught about how to live.

Jesus’ Sermon on the plain covers beatitudes about people with low income, woes concerning the rich, and the attitude of mind in daily living. At the end of the sermon when Jesus summarized, He gave ‘the golden rule,’ Luke 6:31: “…as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

Luke chapter six opens with a description of the large multitude who came for healing and to hear Jesus’ teachings. His amazing power to heal could go from Him when they touched Him.

In this sermon, He spoke beatitudes about people with low income, Luke 6:20-23:

““Blessed are … poor, for yours is the kingdom of God …who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied… who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed … when people hate you … exclude you …revile you …spurn your name, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day…your reward is great in heaven.”

Thus, the message of the beatitudes applies to those poor in this world’s goods. Following Jesus would allow them future entrance into the kingdom of God. Then, they will receive an eternal reward that makes for rejoicing now, even though living in poverty.

Next in the sermon, the four woes Jesus pronounces on the rich —they will receive consolation, experience hunger, mourn and weep—express regrets for their condition, Luke 6:24-26.

They refuse to follow Jesus and therefore suffer eternal loss. If people all speak well of a person, they fall into the class of the false prophets who received material rewards for their falsehoods.

Then, as Jesus continues His preaching, He commands a general attitude of life of kindness and forbearance toward those who mistreat us. We should never seek revenge. We should pray for and love our enemies. Disciples of Jesus will  show this attitude.

Finally in the sermon on the plain, Jesus expresses the golden rule,‘ Treat others as we wish to be treated.’

What we learned:

1.The correct attitude of a heart of kindness and forbearance characterizes Jesus’ disciples.

2.Discipleship should outrank a desire for riches.

3.We should follow the golden rule as an attitude in life toward others.

#goldenRule #woeToRich #AttitudeOfHeart