The Demoniac Luke 8:26-39

This post, The Demoniac, covers a spectacular miracle in Gerasene and the local effects.

The demoniac appeared after Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee to the country of the Gerasenes. As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, He met a man named Legion because of the many demons that occupied his body. (The tremendous strength of this man allowed him to break free of any chains used to capture him. He roamed free without clothing.) Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out  of the man. But before the man became free, the spirits begged Jesus to be allowed to go into the pigs on the hillside instead of the abyss. The demon-possessed pigs rushed into the sea and drowned. When the people heard of it and came to see, they found the man clothed and in his right mind. Seized with fear, they asked Jesus to leave.

 This miracle has several different aspects:

1)This might seem to be a difficult healing since the man possessed a number of demons. Not so for Jesus. He just spoke the word.

2)The  demons knew the exact identity of Jesus—Son of the Most High God. They also knew their likely destiny when cast out of the man—the abyss, probably the eternal destiny of demons.

3)Although Jesus allowed the transfer to the pigs, He did not destroy the pigs. The demons destroyed the pigs and illustrated the wicked work of the devil.

4)The loss of the pigs did much to advertise to the people the miraculous power that Jesus had over the demons. However, the people seemed to care more for the financial loss of the pigs than for the man healed. So, they asked Jesus to leave —a tragic loss for them. But Jesus left the cured man behind to tell others of Jesus’ power to cast out demons.

So, what did we learn:

1.Jesus can exert tremendous power over the demoniac world.

2.Jesus does not force Himself on any country or people. If you don’t want Him, He will leave.

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