Teaching after Hearing Luke 8:16-25

This post examines teaching others after hearing the word.

Teaching after hearing goes together for the disciple. In the earlier parable of the Sower, Jesus stressed that proper hearing of the word allowed the recipients to be faithful to God.

In these verses, Jesus firstly uses a lamp and its light to emphasize that once truth enters our life, the work of spreading this truth or light must follow. This means that once we hear the gospel, spreading the light becomes the next important action.

Jesus sets the example of spreading the light. Luke 8:17, “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest,” He will make all known.

Then, Jesus states a truism about hearing and sharing. Truth taken into the heart and not shared will vanish. Luke 8:18.

In the previous verses, Jesus taught the importance of proper hearing and sharing. When His family wanted to see Him, He again stressed again the importance of proper hearing of God’s word and doing it. Teaching the gospel becomes more important than visiting with physical family. And, sharing the gospel makes one a part of His spiritual family, Luke 8:19-21.

Jesus and His disciples set out to cross the Sea of Galilee to teach on the other side. A violent storm ensued. The disciples awakened Him and said, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm.”

Thus, Jesus showed His power over nature.

And, His disciples showed their lack of faith that He could take care of them.

Even though they had seen the many miracles done by Jesus, this miracle caused them to be fearful and ask, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?”

This incident served as an example for His disciples that Jesus would conquer all physical problems to continue teaching the gospel. Nothing should hinder the spread of the gospel.

What we learned:

1.Jesus repeatedly stresses the importance of hearing, teaching, and sharing God’s Word.

2.Further, Jesus as Deity can control nature with his words.

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