Signs John 20:30-31
This post covers miracles called signs in John’s gospel.
‘Signs’ as a post discusses what John wrote about Jesus’ miracles — called signs. Note, signs serve as ‘pointers’ concerning Jesus. Thus, each sign will reveal something about Jesus, His power, and who He is. However, John only includes seven miracles or signs.
So, consider the seven signs and what each accomplished.
The first sign featured water miraculously turning to wine, John 2:11. This miracle glorified Jesus and caused belief in his disciples.
Then, curing an official’s son—located a distance away from where Jesus stood— happened as the second sign, John 4:46-54. Jesus just spoke and healed him. So, in this miracle, Jesus’ power over space and distance caused faith in the entire family.
The third sign showed power over long-term human suffering, John 5:8-9. Jesus told a man physically disabled for thirty-eight years to take up his bed and walk on a Sabbath. Then, curing occurred instantaneously. This miracle caused belief in the man and conflict with the unbelieving Pharisees concerning working on the Sabbath.
Jesus’ creative powers were illustrated in the fourth sign. He miraculously fed 5000 beginning with only five loaves and two fish, John 6:5-14.
The fifth sign strengthened and deepened the disciples’ faith and involved walking on the sea of Galilea, John 6:16.
However, Jesus explained that sin did not cause blindness at birth in the sixth sign, John 9:3, Then, He healed this birth defect, saw faith increase in the man, and conflict with the Pharisees.
The seventh sign, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, John 11:41-43, caused widespread belief, as well as opposition of the Pharisees.
At the end, John clearly explains the purpose of citing these seven miracles, John 20:30-31. “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
Thus, these miracles point to Jesus as Deity and the Son of God.
So, what did we learn?
The signs in the gospel of John pointed to the Deity of Jesus and caused belief and opposition of the Pharisees.
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