Sabbath Criticism Luke 6:1-16

Sabbath criticism discusses criticism of Jesus and His actions.

Sabbath Criticism of Jesus involved His disciples plucking grain to eat.

Sabbath criticism by the Pharisees involved Jesus for not teaching them to obey their ‘teachings of the elders.’ (The Pharisees made up the ‘teachings of the elders,’ a set of rules apart from Moses’ Law.) They considered plucking grain and rubbing it so they could eat it a violation of God’s Law prohibiting working on the Sabbath.

Jesus gave a two-fold answer. First, he pointed to their lack of consistency. King David sinned by eating the showbread from the tabernacle. They did not condemn King David but criticized Him for not teaching their made-up doctrine.

Second, he pointed to His position as ‘Lord of the Sabbath.’ That meant that He knew the Old Law and correct Sabbath conduct. So, His disciples committed no sin.

Criticism also occurred when Jesus saw a man with a withered hand in the synagogue audience as He taught.

The Scribes and Pharisees watched to find something of which they could accuse Him. Jesus knew their thoughts and motioned for the man to come closer. Then He asked a rhetorical question about whether it was proper to do good or do harm, to save life or destroy life on the Sabbath. Everyone knew the answer. Then He healed the man. This made the scribes and Pharisees angry and accelerated their desire to harm Him. At this point, Luke shows the increasing anger of the scribes and Pharisees.

Thereafter, a set of vital decisions loomed ahead foSr Jesus. So, after praying all night, He chose twelve of His disciples to become apostles. Judas, not now a traitor, became a traitor later.

What we learned:

1.Jesus possesses the power to heal, and how to deal with His enemies’ criticism.

2. Jesus communicated with His heavenly Father and carefully chose His apostles after a night of prayer.

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#hungryDisciplesSabbath #healedWitheredHand #KingDavidSinned #LordOfTheSabbath #twelveChosens