Everyman's Bible Comments


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The Bible and OLD AGE #17 … IS CHRISTIANITY WORTH IT? … Older people see the failures, disappointments, mistakes of life, and the feebleness of old age and wonder if religion is worth it. The problem is our scope is limited to this life. It’s a mistake to equate heaven with our life on earth. Heaven will be like living in a mansion, John 14:1-3, without the fear of death, Revelation 21:1-4. Get ready. It’s worth it!

#worthIt? #olderPeopleWorthIt? #scopeLimitedToLife #mansionInHeaven #John14:1-3 #Revelations21:1-4 #failuresMakeReligionWorthIt #feeblenesOldAge #mistakesOfLife #mistakeEquateHeavenEarthLife #noFearDeath #heavenWorthIt

Luke 3:21-38

Luke 3:21-38

Question: What can be learned about Jesus being baptized, v. 21-22?

Answer: Luke uses a flashback concerning the baptism of Jesus by John. The key here is what happened after Jesus’ baptism and prayer—the heavens opened. The two other parts to the Trinity appeared. The Holy Spirit approved by descending like a dove on Jesus as the Father spoke of His pleasure in His beloved Son. This, in the beginning of His public ministry, shows that Jesus was approved by God and the Holy Spirit.

Question: What can be learned from Jesus’ ancestry in v. 23-38?

Answer: Luke tells us that the work of Jesus began when He was thirty-years old. Since God had authenticated Jesus as His Son in v. 22, Luke traces His ancestry to show Jesus as a physical descendant of God—see v. 38.

This genealogy has a major difference from that of Matthew in that Joseph, the husband of Mary, is said to be the son of Jacob, Matthew 1:16. Luke’s account can be understood by making the parenthesis of Luke 3:23 to be: ‘(as was suspposed of Joseph.)’ Greek scholars point out that all the other men in Luke’s account have the words ‘the son of’ before their names. But Joseph does not. This means that “the son of Heli” in v. 23 is Mary’s father and Jesus’ grandfather. Thus Matthew gives the ancestry of Joseph back to King David while Luke provides the genealogy of Mary back to God.

An interesting contrast can be observed between the genealogy of Matthew and that of Luke. Matthew stressed the kings in the lineage. Luke contains only two kings, Zerubbabel and David. Although Luke’s account includes Abraham and Noah, the emphasis is that God, the Father of all mankind, is the ultimate ancestor. This links with the fact that Jesus will be interested in the salvation of all people.

What I learned: Jesus is part of The Trinity. His ancestry can be traced back to God

#genealogy #GodTheFather #HolySpirit #doveDescended #Jesusbaptized #GodAsAncester #geneologyOfMary #geneologyOfJoseph #salvationOfAll #TheTrinity #JesusThirtyYearsOld #Jesus’WorkBegins

Luke 1:67-80

Luke 1:67-80:

Question: What can be learned from Zachariah’s prophecy in v. 67-79?

Answer: Zachariah’s praise of God for the birth of John, the forerunner, and Jesus, the Redeemer, as prophesied, is faith building for me.

In v. 68-75, the subject is the glorification of God for the future birth of a “horn of salvation,” namely, Jesus. This had been prophesied by the Old Testament prophets, see Gen. 15:1-6; Ps. 18:3; 106:10 among other passages.

This was all part of God keeping His covenant with Abraham, see Gen. 17:1-2; Lev. 26:42; Ps. 105:8. The main enemy to be overcome, v. 74, was the temptations of the devil and his servants. This promise keeping by God is faith building.

I note that throughout this chapter, God is praised. This teaches me to praise God in prayer and song today.

In v. 76-79, the subject changes to the role of John. He is called a prophet and a forerunner. His message was to give knowledge about the Messiah and the forgiveness of sins by the future visit of “the sunrise,” a phrase describing Jesus—see Is. 9:2; 60:1-3; Mal. 4:2.

This ‘light’ would guide people into peace with God, v. 79, a peace sorely desired today.

John grew up in the wilderness until he began to address the public, v. 80.

This chapter is a faith-building set of words that prepares us to read in chapter 2 of the birth and early life of Jesus.

What I learned: God is to be praised and that the prophecy of the birth of John the Baptist and its fulfillment was important to a proper understanding of the life and work of Jesus.

#JohnTheBaptist #prophecyFulfilled #forerunnerOfJesus #hornOfSalvation #prophecyOfZachariah #theSunrise #covenantOfAbraham #glorifyGod #JohnInTheWilderness #sinForgiveness #Luke1 #GodKeepsCovenants



Hebrews 3, August 27, Tuesday

2019 Bible reading program: Learning What the New Testament Teaches

Hebrews 3,  August 27, Tuesday

In this chapter, Paul continues to elevate Jesus, this time above Moses.

In v. 1-6, Paul draws a conclusion. In light of chapters 2 and 3, he says ‘look at Jesus’ and provides him two designated names—the apostle and high priest of Christianity, our confession. An apostle is one sent by God to proclaim an inspired message, like Moses. A high priest offers worship on behalf of the people as Aaron did. (This topic will be fully developed in later chapters.)

Paul immediately begins to compare Jesus to Moses as the apostle of God. But Moses was faithful only as a servant. Jesus was the Son of God and is worthy of more glory. Note that the church is the house of God in which Jesus works.

In v. 7-11, Paul quotes Ps. 95:7-11 to stress his point that we should listen to Jesus and not rebel as Israel had done in the wilderness (see Numbers 14:1-10; When the spies returned, Israel did not believe that God could help them take the promised land and keep their children from dying in the wilderness. For that unbelief, God sentenced them to 40 years wandering in the wilderness until all the adults, except the faithful spies, Joshua and Caleb, would die. Those children, who they thought would die, were the ones who would receive the blessings of the land of Canaan.)

In v. 12-19, Paul makes the point that Christians should not develop a similar hard heart and fall away. He adds that the Israelites could not enter the rest of the promised land because of their unbelief. (In the next chapter the rest is paralleled to the saved state of faithful Christians who will enter heaven for an eternal rest.)

Message of the chapter: Jesus is superior to Moses like a Son is superior to a servant. Warning is given to be faithful and not unbelieving like Israel in the Old Testament.

Application Today we must maintain faith in God and Jesus to receive an eternal rest in heaven

#hebrews3 #readhebrews #restCanaan #ChristoverMoses #sonoverservant #israelfailedduetounbelief #Biblereading #readbible #urgedtoremainfaithful #highpriest #apostle #confession

The House on the Hill or, Returning Home

Loyton, Oklahoma, 1985

Chapter 1, 1922-1935

Some people feel deeply about their physical heritage, even when they have to abandon the location for quite some time. Some come back. Some cannot. Some do not.

Bruce Jackson Wilson was born in 1922 in a farmhouse near Loyton, Oklahoma, in the middle of the Oklahoma Panhandle. As the years passed, he grew up loving the land, the long, hot summers, the blue sky, fishing in the little stream on the edge of the farm, and farm life in general. He enjoyed having a calf of his own to raise, cows to milk, and chickens to feed. Before he was old enough to go to school, he and his dog had many a pleasant day running and playing over near the brook till both were tired, but happy. The family house stood on a little hill so that the morning sun would awaken him, while the evening breeze blowing through the loft where he slept, softly sang him to sleep.

The family lived in a typical farm house, a little ‘dog-run’ house, two miles from Loyton at the edge of their one-hundred-sixty-acre farm. The term ‘dog-run’ was applied because of the peculiar layout of the house, essentially two rooms separated by a wide hall between the two, open to the outside on both ends. The name described what could happen. Bruce’s dog could run through, unimpeded. On the front and back the roof stretched out over porches, often used for storage of foods, utensils, tools, and an ice chest, supplied with a big block of ice once a week during good times.

One of the two rooms was the kitchen with a stove, a sink and a table for eating. The other room was used for recreation, sleeping, dressing, and clothes storage. By 1935 the Wilson family had five surviving children, Bruce, thirteen-years old, June Anne, eleven, Mike Edward, nine, Joseph Samuel, seven, and Zane Thomas, five. Bruce and Mike slept in the loft in the winter, and outside on one of the porches in the summer on an old thin mattress plopped down on top of a set of springs with Grandpa Silver, their Mother’s Dad.

Bruce and his younger brother, Mike, felt the loft was their ‘special place’ and rigged up a way to easily and safely transport items up and down by using an old basket and a rope. These two boys were the first in the family to use brown, paper sacks to store ‘goodies’ to be shared with no one, unless the goodies were needed to brag about something. After a bit Bruce was able to repair an old, wooden box to store his precious items. The other children just continued using sacks to keep their ‘valuables’ in.

Bruce’s box held a few marbles, the number depending on how many he had won or lost recently, his stainless steel ‘aggie’, used to knock marbles from the circle, and an old pocket knife with one broken blade. In her sack June kept a long string of lace, two smaller patches of cloth, and a small doll with a crack in the head. Mike had begun to collect marbles and frog skins and bones. Joe had a top, and two short strings used to toss the top and make it spin on hard ground.

The whole family attended church and Bible classes in town, along with an aunt and uncle, and Grandma Wilson, who lived with the aunt and uncle. The uncle worked in the cotton seed oil mill over next to the railroad tracks.

Life was not static for this farm family in the little house on the hill. Beginning in 1930 the crops on this little farm failed year after year, due to a terrible, multi-year drought. During these years, the wind whipped the dust high in the air day after day, so much so that on some days the sun was almost hidden. On April 14, 1935, the dust blew so much that the sky turned to a dusky, blackness. As a result, a visiting Kansas City reporter called the day Black Sunday, and the area ‘The Dust Bowl’, in his write-up.

In 1935 the ultimate sadness stomped into the life of Bruce and his family when the sheriff appeared, talked briefly to his Dad, and handed him a piece of white paper. When the sheriff drove away, his Dad, John Jacob Wilson, turned back with a deep frown and a downturned face to his waiting wife, Amanda Viola, and the kids, Bruce and the four younger ones. John Jacob began to stumble as he walked toward them.

Bruce immediately asked, “What’s the matter, Dad? What did the sheriff want?”

John Jacob didn’t even look up as he replied, “Son, I’m afraid he served the bank’s foreclosure paper we’ve been expecting. The bank will not renew our loan. These terrible five years of drought have caused us to lose the farm.” Then he paused, “You know we’ve had to borrow money to buy seed and food in each of these last five years.” Suddenly, the tears started to cascade down his cheeks.

Bruce rushed over the few steps between them and put his arm around his Dad’s shoulders. “Oh, no, Dad. What can we do, now? I guess we have to move?”

John Jacob said nothing in reply. Inside the house he sat down in a kitchen chair, crossed his arms on the table, and putting his head down on his arms began to sob uncontrollably. After a while he looked up to say, “Yep. That’s about the size of it. I guess we’ll have to move to California. That’s where other people like us are going.” Then he straightened up, tears still streaming down his face and pulled another piece of paper from his shirt pocket and slowly said, “I got this flyer in town yesterday about jobs in the peach orchards. I think that’s where my brother, Billy, moved last year.” Looking at Bruce he continued, “You remember him, don’t you? I’ve looked everywhere here. I can’t find a job. We have to move and I simply have to get work out there.”

The family all hugged him, as Bruce read the flyer in detail. “Dad, this sure looks like the thing to do.”

John Jacob dropped his head again and sobbed again, with violent lurches of his whole body.


The next day the kids and their Mother began loading the old pickup with their belongings as they prepared to leave for California. At first, John Jacob just sat and stared out the window.

Finally, Bruce roused him, “Dad, some of the stuff is too heavy for me. Can you get up and help?”


That very day a letter from uncle Billy arrived and upset all their hastily made plans. John Jacob could read a little, but, not very well or rapidly. So, usually Bruce read letters or important documents. “Dad it tells about living in California and how it is to pick peaches. Uncle Billy says they’re miserable out there with low pay, about half the pay promised on the flyer. They are living in a squalid camp with hundreds of migrants in terribly unsanitary conditions. The place has only two latrines, one at each end of the camp for use by both men and women. Only two out-houses in the middle are for women. He says there’s a terrible odor everywhere, and there’s nowhere for children to play. Dad, this sounds horrible. What can we do? We don’t want to go out there, do we?”

His Dad frowned, began to sob again, and looked very troubled. “I don’t know,” he said. Then paused amid his crying, “You’re right. We don’t want to go out there to that mess. I don’t know what we can do.”

Bruce’s Mother immediately spoke up. “I know what to do. My sister, Vivian, and her husband, Willard, moved down to the Rio Grande Valley two years ago. He has some engineering training, and is working on government canal projects to get water from the Rio Grande for the nearby farms. I got a letter from her last month. She says they are doing good. Let’s go down there and look for work. I know he got a job almost on the day they arrived.”

Bruce tried to look hopeful as he said, “Yeah, Dad. Let’s go there. They have farms down there. You and I could get work on a farm, and if the farms can get water from the river, they won’t have to depend on rain as much as here.”

John Jacob stopped his sobbing, and clutched his wife’s hand. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

“But first,” Amanda Viola added “Let’s offer our daily prayer and ask the lord to bless and take care of us.” And they did, each family member offering a prayer asking for guidance and help from the Lord. The prayers seemed to stabilize John Jacob, and he stopped his tears, and asked for a drink of water.

After the prayer and as they were continuing to load up, for the move to the Valley, Bruce asked his Mom, “Why didn’t the Lord answer our prayers here? He could have sent us rain, couldn’t He?”

“Bruce, we don’t know how the Lord works. He’s in charge and His providential care takes care of things. He’s blessed us so far with health, and none of us choked to death when the dust storms came. Maybe it’s best for us to move. We don’t know. There was a similar movement of Christians in Bible days described in the eighth chapter of Acts. Remember reading about that? The Christians were being persecuted, and moved out of Jerusalem in every direction, much like in this county here in Oklahoma. At least we’re not being persecuted. What we need to do is move to the valley and see what God has in store for us there. Meanwhile let’s just trust Him to care for us.”


Four days later they began the long trip to the valley in the pickup, piled up higher in the back than the cab. Bruce, Mike, and June sat in the back of the pickup high up among their belongings. As they left town, Bruce looked back at the land he loved and said, “Mike and June, I’m coming back. I’m determined to come back. This is home for me. I love this country. Someday I’m coming back. No matter what happens to me. I’m coming back!”



Chapter 2, 1922-1935

Other families were also affected in a tragic way by the drought. Phil, Philip Donald Mills, Jr., born also in 1922 in a house on the edge of Loyton, Oklahoma, was the son of the General Store owner, Philip Donald Mills, Sr. The General Store needed to make a profit for the family to survive.

Phil Jr. was not much different from the other boys in the town, except he kept all his valuables in a cigar box. He loved the Oklahoma Panhandle also and especially the summers when he could go bare-footed from May to October and wear only a pair of old overalls, despite hole in the knees and ultimately the seat. Phil Jr. loved his dog, a big, black cur, named Blackie, who challenged all the other male dogs in the town. Phil Jr. was often busy keeping Blackie from an attack. Of course, no one would dare hurt Phil Jr. because Blackie would growl fiercely, and attack if anyone appeared to threaten his beloved owner. Phil Jr. always had great plans to make money. He planted a garden thinking he could sell the produce in his father’s store. But the lack of rain ruined those plans. Next, he tried to raise chickens, hoping to sell fryers to town folks. That plan failed mostly due to the ever-present hawks that watched the chickens for an opportunity to snatch a growing chicken when Phil Jr. and Blackie weren’t around. Phil Jr. was taught to shoot the family twenty-two rifle at age ten. He and Blackie spent many a pleasant afternoon walking the country roads and fields looking for rabbits. About once a week they could provide the family with a meal of rabbit-stew. As time passed Phil Jr. was needed more and more to help with the work in the General Store.

Earlier, in 1929 before he owned the General Store, Philip Sr. worked on an oil field rig over just inside the Panhandle of Texas. When a big chain broke, the end of the broken chain struck him in the face, blinding the left eye. The insurance company and the oil company settled for two-thousand-five-hundred dollars. Philip Sr. then moved his family and used the insurance settlement money to buy the General Store in Loyton, Oklahoma, in early 1930.

When they arrived in Loyton, Philip Sr. found a dog-run house, similar to the wilson house, at the edge of town they could buy for fifty dollars. It was meant for a temporary home until profits from the store would allow them to buy a larger house over in the middle of town.

As the drought dragged on, more and more of his customers could not pay the accumulated yearly credit charges, and were forced to migrate to California or elsewhere. They mostly left with a promise that money would be mailed back to pay off the unpaid credit charges. Unfortunately, the pay in the California peach orchards was so low, these debtors, not only couldn’t send any money back to Oklahoma, they had a hard time feeding their families.

By 1935 the bank began pressing for payment or foreclosure of the store. So, in late June Philip Sr. talked with his son as they walked home from the store at the end of the day, “Phil, we are going to have to make a change. I can’t pay my bills for this store. My suppliers won’t ship any more stuff till I pay what I owe them, and the bank demands I pay off the loan there. I guess that means the store is lost. I can’t figure out anything else to do.

Your Mother’s brother, Buster, moved to Stillwater in 1930. He wrote he has a good furniture store. I think we’re going to have to move over there and ask him for help. What do you think?”

“I guess so, Dad. I sure don’t know anything else to do.”

They were met and hugged by both his wife, Cathy, and Phil’s little sister, Cynthia, as they made their way up the steps of the house. Philip Sr. spoke to his wife as they went in, “Cathy, I have some very bad news. we are going to have to give up the store and think of some other way to make a living. Do you think your brother could find a place for me in his furniture store? I wish my Dad hadn’t died. He’d help us.”

Cathy tried to smile as she answered, “Don’t be sad. You did the best you could. It just didn’t rain, and the farmers couldn’t pay off their credit debts. I’m sure Buster will help us.”

Phil, Jr. chimed in, “Sounds good to me, Dad. Let’s do it.

So, Philip Sr. informed the bank that he couldn’t pay off his loans and gave them the key to the front door of the store. The family loaded up the car and attached an old wagon to the back with as much of their furniture and stuff as they could manage and moved to Stillwater. As Phil Jr. was leaving the house for the last time he paused on the steps and told his sister, “I’m really sorry to have to move, Cynthia. Aren’t you? Maybe we can come back next year. I love this country. Think we’ll ever live here again?”

The furniture store was providing a living for Phil Jr.’s uncle, Isaiah Watson, also known as Buster, and his family, but not much more. Philip Sr. could not be easily accommodated as an employee in the store. What could be done?

Buster always had a positive outlook on the future. Now he remembered that the owner of a furniture store over in Muskogee had recently died. Buster struck a deal with the bank for the store’s inventory and assumed ownership. He then decided to move his family and manage the new store himself and leave Philip Sr. to manage the Stillwater store.

In this situation, everybody needed to pitch in to help the family survive, and pay off the debt left in Loyton.  Cathy helped with the paper work for the store at night, and during the day worked in a local woman’s hair salon giving permanents. Young Cynthia helped out at the salon with chores and learned how to give perms and set hair. Then she only worked when there were more customers than the owner and her Mother could handle.  She was paid per customer, not a weekly salary.

Phil Jr. got a paper route and did his part in helping out at the furniture store. He arranged furniture on the floor, loaded up the sold items on the little pickup, and carefully delivered them to the customers.  After Phil Jr.’s graduation from high school, Philip Sr. convened a family conference. “Phil just graduated. We must insist on more education for him. He’s gonna keep on working here in the store, and keep that paper route, by the way, for spending money. He’ll enroll over at Oklahoma A&M at least for a few credit hours each semester. Each of us must do all we can to better ourselves.”

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor Phil was nineteen and in his first semester at Oklahoma A&M. After the spring semester, he felt a strong need to help his country, and volunteered for the navy and served in the Atlantic theater fighting the German U-boats. When the war was over he used the G. I. bill to go back to college three more years to graduate in 1949 with a degree in banking and business. He then took a job with Phillips Petroleum as an analyst in Bartlesville, and put all the money he could manage into Phillips’ stock.

Chapter 3, 1985

Earlier, the Wilsons long move to the valley in 1935 came at an opportune time because the canal construction company was hiring. Willard Mann, the husband of Amanda’s sister, hired both Bruce and his Dad for the roust-about crew. First, they worked as helpers for the crane operators. Later, with more experience, John Jacob became one of the mechanical shovel operators. Amanda got on at the local hospital as a practical nurse trainee. Religious matters were handled on the first Sunday after their arrival when they all attended the local congregation and placed their membership.

As they sat down to lunch after services in the little house they had rented, they prayed a thank-you prayer for the blessings of the Lord that had brought them to the valley, to jobs, and to a good congregation.

Bruce was nineteen when Pearl Harbor occurred. The next month he volunteered for the marines, spent the war storming the beaches in the South Pacific and was slightly wounded twice. After the war, he used the G.  I. bill benefits to buy a canal building and construction business to provide for his rapidly growing family.


Phil Jr. held his Phillips stock until 1987 when he retired. He talked to his wife, Zoella Elizabeth, about what he wanted to do in retirement “Well, Honey, the day has finally arrived. Can you guess what I want to do now?”

“Probably I can. But, tell me.”

“I want to move back to Loyton. I just loved it out there as a boy. Mom and Dad moved back there five years ago after Mom’s Dad died, to take care of Grandma. That would put us all back home together. I’d really like that. Think you can stand to live in the Panhandle?”

“Sure. I can stand anything if it’s retirement. And besides I have an Aunt and an Uncle out there somewhere. We’ll find them. Mom told me they need some help from time to time. They’re getting to be really old.”

So, Phil Jr. decided to buy a large farm in the Oklahoma Panhandle just outside of Loyton as an investment, and also as a place to build a home so he could be near his parents and Grandma. This large farm was a consolidation of four smaller farms to make up a total of six-hundred-forty acres, one square mile, but scattered out in four plots.

One of these plots included the old Wilson house that still stood, ram shackled and lonely, at the end of the little road leading from the eastern edge of town to the farm. No one had lived there for years. The windows were all broken or missing. The doors sagged and the steps creaked. Out back and down the hill a bit, an old out-house, sagging and almost fallen over, bore witness to the passing of the years. Over to the side in the back the old cistern had become only a large hole and was partially filled with rocks and debris.

When Phil Jr. looked around at all his new property, he decided to build at the end of the little road from town. It would be the closest he could be to town and still be on his property.

The contractor whose job it was to build the new house, began asking questions about exactly where the new house should be located. Phil Jr. looked all around and immediately said, “Let’s tear down that eye-sore up there and put the house up on that little hill.”

The contractor gave it some thought, and then told him, “Uh, I will, if you want me to. But I would advise against it. Houses on hills in this country have two things against them. In the winter, they’re harder and more expensive to keep warm. The wind just sucks the heat right out. You’ll have to use propane for heat out here. That’ll be costly. You’re way too far out to be on the natural gas line in town. Second, a house on a hill makes for an easy target for lightning, and we get a lot of lightning, especially in the spring. If I were you, I’d build down here in this little valley and use the hill to an advantage as a shield against the weather.”

“Well, I’ll tell my wife what you said, and we’ll tell you tomorrow. Okay?”

Phil Jr. and Zoella came out the next morning to look over the land. She agreed with Phil, Jr that the house should be built on the hill. But when the contractor again went over the reasons to build down in the little valley, she reluctantly agreed.

Zoella was the inquisitive sort, “Phil, let’s go and have a look at that old house. I bet it’s a hundred years old. Maybe Grandpa and Grandma had a similar house.”

The contractor quickly cautioned them, “Watch out for a big hole in the ground where the old cistern was located. I doubt if anyone’s filled it in. Also, somewhere up there is an out-house. That will have a small hole under it.”

“Okay. Thanks for the warning. We’ll watch out.”

With that, Phil and Zoella set off up the little incline to examine what was left of the old house.

Phil recognized the style of the house immediately. “Zoe, it’s what we called a dog-leg or dog-run house. It’s exactly like what we lived in at the edge of town when I was a boy.”

“Well, maybe it’s what the grandparents had. But it looks like a hole goes through the middle. Did the end walls fall down?”

“No, it’s not a hole. That’s the way it was built, and why it was called a dog-leg house. It was two rooms separated by an open space between them. That’s the ‘hole’ you’re seeing. Usually the left-hand room was used for cooking and other domestic activities while the right-hand room was for dressing and sleeping. Let’s ease inside to see what’s been left behind.”

Once inside, all they could see was a lot of trash and debris. In the right-hand room, they found two pieces of an old iron bedstead. In the left-hand room, they found a broken table and one broken chair. Apparently no one had been in the house for years. “Look at the inside walls, Zoe. You can still see the remnants of the newspapers used to cover them to keep out the wind and especially the dust. Here’s a page from 1930. And here’s one from 1935. Those were hard times for all the families around here.”

“Look here, Phil. Here’s a scrap of paper that says ‘Come to California and Get Work Picking Peaches.’ I heard a lot of folks did just that. Only it was a hard life, just scraping by.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Look at this. See these boards nailed across from upright to upright and extending upward. What do you think that was good for?”

“Don’t ask me. I don’t know.”

“I know. It’s the steps on a ladder to the loft. That’s where kids slept.”

“Is that where you slept?”

“Some of the time. But Grandpa and I had an old mattress outside. If it wasn’t raining we slept out there, and it hardly ever rained. Of course, we had to come inside in November and sleep on a pallet on the floor or up in the loft. Actually, the loft could be nice in the winter. The flue from the cooking stove went through the loft and warmed it up some. Then the wonderful smells of breakfast went right through the kitchen ceiling early in the morning. I just loved to wake up to the smell of hot sausage and scrambled eggs. Plus, the SMELL OF coffee was wonderful.

“Think there’s anything left up there?”

“Naw. It was too hard to get stuff up there to use it much as storage. Climbing that ladder and carrying stuff was really tricky.”

As they started to leave, they spotted a series of initials carved on the door mantle: BJW, JAW, MEW, JSW, and ZTW. Zoe asked, “Who do you think they were? Maybe the kids? Look, here’s a Z. Maybe somebody was named Zoe!”


A few days later, when Phil Jr. and Zoe went back to check on the building progress of their house, they saw an old Impala Chevrolet parked over to the side and the contractor hurrying over, seemingly anxious to talk. “Mr. Mills. An old fellow drove up as I was leaving last night and climbed the hill to the house. He had a back pack and a bed roll. I’d watch it if I was you. Could be dangerous.”

So, Phil and Zoe climbed the hill to see if anyone was there. No one was inside, but the smell of sausage cooking led them out back where a whiskered stranger was cooking over a little fire.

Phil immediately challenged the stranger, “Hey. What are you doing here?”

The stranger straightened up to reply, “Oh, hello. I’m Bruce Wilson. I grew up in this house and just wanted to have one last look. I brought my bedroll and spent the night inside. Are you going to build a house down the hill there?”

“I’m Philip Mills Jr. and this is my wife, Zoe. I own this land, and yes, I’m building down there. When did you live here?”

“Oh, it was a long time ago. We left in 1935. The drought starved us out.”

“Hmmm. We lived at the edge of town in a house just like this, and we left in 1935, too. My Dad had the General Store. Did you folks trade there?”

“Yep. We did. I might remember your Dad. Seems like I do. He was blind in one eye. Right? Did you go to school in town?”

“Yeah, he lost an eye on an oil rig over in Texas. And, I did go to school in town. I think I kinda remember you. The beard threw me off. Did you have three brothers and a sister?”

“Hey. You do remember us. Where’d you move to, and why are you back here?”

“Well, we moved to Stillwater in 1935 and my folks moved back here five years ago. I love this country. I’ve dreamed of moving back here for a long time. Besides one last look, what else brought you out here. How far did you drive for one night in this old house?”

“Well, it’s really ‘up here’. I live in the valley. That’s where we moved in ‘35. Actually, I have a hobby of looking up the family tree. Everybody in the family remembers we had two family Bibles when we lived here. We managed to pack the big one when we moved. But, we had a little one that belonged to my Grandpa Wilson with a lot of family names and dates in it. I used to carry it with me when we walked into town for worship services. I remember one year I read it through from cover to cover. Anyway, I think I left it somewhere here and I really want to find it. I couldn’t see it last night. It got too dark to look everywhere. But I would like to look more today, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, but I didn’t see it yesterday either, and we looked all around pretty good.”

“Ummm. That doesn’t sound too good. Maybe it’s not here.”

“I have an idea. I was telling Zoe yesterday that some of the time we slept in the loft. You don’t suppose it could be up there?”

“I don’t know. If you don’t mind, I’ll climb up and look.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Wilson knew exactly where the old ladder was and slowly climbed up, huffing as he went. After a moment, the Mills heard a ‘whoopee’, and saw Wilson at the top of the ladder holding the remains of the old Bible. He carefully laid the old Bible to the side and climbed back down, pulled a large handkerchief from his back pack, and climbed back up. the fragile old Bible was wrapped carefully in the handkerchief before he climbed down, and then stowed securely in the backpack.

“Whew. I’m exhausted. I’m too old to do all that climbing. Guess what I saw? The remains of my brother’s sack all crumbled on top of several marbles. Would you believe it? I bet that sack and my box have been sitting right there all the time since we left.”

As the three walked down the hill to Wilson’s Impala, Mills said, I’m glad you found it. It looks terribly fragile. I guess you’ll have to be really careful or it’ll fall apart.”

“Yeah, you’re right. The family will be so glad to have it, even if the covers are mostly ruined. Maybe we can get it rebound.”

“Going back to the valley, Mr. Wilson?”

“Yeah, the family will want to see this Bible. But, I going to sell my canal-building and construction business and move back up here. This visit has made me remember what a wonderful place this is. I guess, I can’t help it. This is really my home country. I’m definitely coming back.”

They waved goodbye to Wilson, and Mills told the contractor, “Well, I can see no reason to keep that old house up there. Tear it down as soon as you can.”

After an hour or so of consulting on the exact location of the new house, Phil and Zoe went back to town to the little apartment they had rented until the new house could be built.  They found a note on their door, ‘Please call the mayor’s office.’

“Wonder what they want?” Phil Jr. asked Zoe.

“I wouldn’t know. Let’s go over there instead of calling.  After we see the mayor, I’d like to shop in the stores a bit. Okay?”

The mayor’s office was surprisingly messy with large sheets of paper strewn around and piles of various books and reports stacked on the floor. After proper introductions to the mayor, Phil began, “What can we do for you?”

“I hear you have a run-down and ramshackle dog-leg house on your property. What do you have in mind to do with it?” Mayor Hues asked.

Phil Jr. answered with a small grin, “Tear it down as soon as we can and get rid of it.”

“Ummm,” Hues said, “I don’t suppose I could talk you into letting the town have it, could I?”

“Uh, I guess so. Would you try to move it intact? And to where are you going to move it?”

“We’re developing a new city park for our kids with ‘Oklahoma Heritage’ as a theme. We’re trying to get as many different old buildings for this new park as possible, like a typical house, a barn, a cotton-seed oil mill, and a General Store. Some of them we’ll have to build from scratch, like the General Store, and make them look old. But, if we could get that old dog-run house, it would save us money and be a first step in developing the site. What do you think? Would you be willing to part with it?”

Zoe interrupted, “Oh, let’s let them have it, Phil.  It would be nice to see it in the park and know it was on our land.”

“Sure. You can have it. It’s just like the house we lived in when I was a kid. You could ask Dad for help with the General Store. He’d be glad to help, I’m sure. And, I can remember some about it, too.”

And so, the house on the hill was moved to the new Heritage Park so that the children of future generations could experience how life was long ago.


Three years later at a dedication ceremony for the Heritage Park, the mayor, in his speech reminded everyone of the aim of the park, “We dedicate this Park to our children and those who will come after them as a silent memorial to those who came before us and experienced this wonderful land.”

At the end of his talk, he asked for a show of hands of all those who had moved back ‘home’. Sixty-nine hands were raised. “Welcome back. There’s nothing like home.”

After the ceremony, as Zoe and Phil and Bruce and his wife, Sally, walked back to their cars they passed the restored dog-leg house, and the newly built but old looking General Store. Zoe asked, “Is that how you feel, Phil? Is this home?”

“Yes, it is Zoe. I can’t explain it. But it just feels good. Finally, after a long time of being away, I’m home. How about you Bruce?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s a feeling, isn’t it? Especially when I see this old house.”

#dustbowl #blacksunday #panhandle #drought #dogleghouse #dogrunhouse #home #oldhouse #heritagepark #familybible #house


How to Find a Wife, or Twin Red-headed Sisters

Walnut Hill, 1961

Far out on the high plains of West Texas, a small town, Walnut Hill, had a few rascally families mixed with many with kind hearts. But even the kind-hearted families had their share of tension and conflict, at least when the kids were little.

The oldest boy of one of the regular families, Randall Simon Plane, was born in 1938, followed in 1941 by twin red-headed sisters, Petunia Harriet, and Miriam June. Randall soon found that it took his Mother much more time than he liked, for her to care for his new sisters. After all, he was used to having all of his Mother’s attention for himself. And the girls weren’t old enough to play with him yet.

One day when the twins had reached about three weeks old, he was caught poking little Petunia in the ribs until she cried. His Mother spoke sharply to him, “Randy, that’s ugly. Don’t ever do that again, or I’ll have to spank your hands.” Then she turned to her older sister, Mia, who had been there to help for a few weeks, but would go home tomorrow. “What am I going to do, Mia? I can’t watch him all the time. And, even with your help, the twins take up so much time. And Jerry, bless his heart, can’t be here to help when he’s off in the Pacific fighting in the war. What am I going to do?”

“Well, Diana, there’s always Jerry’s Dad, Grandpa Plane. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not lonely due to Grandma dying last year.  You could ask him to keep Randy for a while. What do you think?”

So, Randall got to experience the fun of Grampa’s farm at an early age.


For a three-year old, going on four, life with a loving Gramps on a farm was a thrill that began in the morning when he woke up, and went on non-stop till he fell asleep at night. Breakfast was the first fun thing that happened. Sitting on Gramps’ lap, he ate as much as he wanted from whatever Gramps had on his plate, even a spoonful of just grape jelly. After the first day, a large dish towel served as a bib to minimize the mess on their shirts, but didn’t cover Gramps’ pants leg. But Gramps didn’t care. That’s where he wiped his hands all day anyway.

After breakfast, they moseyed, hand-in-hand, out to the barn and watched Willie, the hired man, milk one of the brown, Guernsey cows, appropriately named Mable. Willie was an expert milkman and knew how to please Randy by directing a stream of milk every now and then, over near Randy’s foot. Randy giggled delightedly, and moved his foot a pace back. “Can I milk the cow, Gramps?

“I’m afraid not by yourself. But here, let’s do it together.” Willie stood to the side, while Gramps and Randy played a little at milking, spilling about half their efforts outside the bucket. Randy was enthralled. No one was bothered at all by his milk-soaked shoes. Grandpa knew they’d dry soon enough in the morning breeze and sun.

After a bit, Gramps and Randy moseyed back to the kitchen where Matilda, the cook, served them donuts and coffee. Randy’s cup was a little red one, while Gramps’s was a big white one. Randy, looking up into Gramps’ eyes, put on a happy smile that melted Gramps’ heart. Here was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, a grandson, a dream come true for Gramps.

After the donuts and coffee, the two of them went out to the small shed to watch Willie hook up the plow to the tractor. The plow was big and heavy and Gramps and Randy had to help. Although Randy was mostly in the way, he smiled up at Gramps while he did a tiny bit of pushing. “I’m helping move the plow!”

“What’s the plan today, Willie,” Gramps asked.

“There’s a patch over on the north forty that didn’t take this year. I’m going to plow it under and get it ready for planting in the fall.”

Willie and the tractor gunned off with a giant puff of black smoke, and a loud noise. Randy grabbed Gramps’ leg and hung on for dear life. This was the first time in his life to see and hear a tractor start up. Gramps reassured him, “It’s alright Randy. Just a little noise. He’ll soon be gone.” Very shortly, Randy wrinkled up his nose as the smell from the tractor exhaust drifted over and burned his nostrils. Not everything was perfect on a farm!

Randy and Gramps walked up to the top of a little near-by hill to look around at the yellow-green ripening wheat. Randy could see wheat in every direction as far as his eyes could go. Gramps owned a big farm!

“Have a look, Randy. I’m leaving all this to your Dad. He’ll be the farmer on these six-hundred-forty acres after I’m gone.” Randy didn’t understand the part about being gone, and asked, “Where’re you going, Gramps?”

“Nowhere for a while. We’ll see after your Dad comes back from the war.”

What Randy could understand from his view at the top of that little hill, was that there was a big farm waiting for his Dad. Then they walked, hand in hand, back down to the calf-lot to look at an almost grown Guernsey bull.

“He’s almost ready to go to market, Son. He was Mable’s baby, but now he’s about a year old. See how much he’s grown!”

“Ooh, he looks mean. Will he hurt me?”

“Naw. He’ll stay over there on that side of the fence. We’ll stay over here on this side. Then everything will be alright.”

“Gramps, do you ever get twin baby cows? We got twins, red-headed twins. Look almost like little Guernsey’s. You think they are?”

Gramps chuckled. “No, Randy. Twin girls are not Guernsey’s. They’re Planes, like you. Think you’ll like them?”

“Probably not. Momma used to hold me in her lap before she went to the hospital to get ‘em. After that, she said, ‘Randy, you’re a big boy now. You can stand on the floor’. So, I don’t think I’m gonna like ‘em at all. They take up too much of Momma’s time.”

Gramps was more philosophical, “Well, don’t be too hasty, Son. They might turn out to be really nice playmates.”

That afternoon the two of them dug a few worms in the garden plot, and walked a long way to fish in the brook. Randy was given a hook, a line and a sinker under a red and white bobber, all tied to a long, old tree-branch broken off by Gramps. Gramps only had a line, hook and sinker under a long, blue bobber tied to his ankle. Gramps showed Randy how to thread a worm on the hook, and Randy got all excited by the bobber jerks. But when he pulled it all out of the water, the hook was bare. Four times a bare hook appeared before Randy tired of the whole business, and stretched out beside Gramps for a small nap. During Randy’s nap, Gramps removed a small perch from his line, and dropped it into a ‘toe-sack anchored at the edge of the stream with a large rock. Then Gramps dozed lightly while waiting for Randy to wake up. The long walk to the brook had zapped Randy’s energy and he needed the afternoon nap.

Then, the two of them marched back to the kitchen to proudly show the perch to Matilda.

She frowned, “It’s too little to cook. It’ll only be two bites.”

Gramps smiled and told her, “That’s okay. Let’s see what fried fish looks like at the supper table.”

Randy had one bite of the fried perch and decided he’d rather eat fried chicken. Gramps ate the other bite and the perch was all gone.

At the end of each perfect day on the farm, Gramps read a Bible story. One of Randy’s favorite stories was about Adam in the Garden. Gramps said Adam was the very first farmer. After prayers Gramps said, “You could be a farmer, Randy, like your Dad will be.”

Randy put on a little frown and asked, “Did Adam have a tractor to make all that noise, Gramps?”

“No, that was a time long before tractors. He had to do everything by using his two hands.”

Gramps tucked Randy into the midst of a large bed, among four pillows and an old wedding ring, patchwork quilt Grandma had made by hand when she was a young girl.

“Gramps, where is Grandma? I didn’t see her today. She’s not Matilda, is she?”

“No, Son, she’s not Matilda. Grandma has gone to heaven. That’s where we all want to be. So, we try to be as good as we can, so we can go there. You need to be nice to your sisters so one day you can go, too.”

Randy wanted to ask more about heaven, but his eyelids wouldn’t stay open. He gently drifted off to dream of another day with Gramps.


After the three months of summer passed, his Mother couldn’t stand to be without her son any longer, and went to fetch him from the farm. Just before climbing into the car, Randy looked up at Gramps and told him, “I’m going to help Daddy here on the farm when I get big.”

Soon after he got home from the farm, a telegram arrived about his Dad. Randy didn’t understand all the crying, and no one could really explain it. But there was no more talking about when his Dad would be coming back from the war.


Randy got to spend most of every summer, and many a weekend in between the summers, on the farm with Gramps. The twins loved Grandpa, too, but not the farm life.


For the twins third birthday, their Mother made a nice, white birthday cake. The trouble started with the aroma that escaped the oven while the cake baked. Randy’s nose stung as that smell drifted into his bedroom, and made him jump up and make a dash for the kitchen.

His Mother saw him come barreling through the door. “Randy, stop running, you’ll make the cake fall.” He hung around the kitchen for a few minutes till she took the cake out of the oven. Then she looked directly at him, “Don’t touch it. It’s for the girls.”

Randy slunk back to his bedroom to look at the latest Mickey Mouse funny-book. Don’t I get any?

After half an hour or so the smell had lessened, but not the feeling in his mouth. When he ventured back into the kitchen, the cake stood in the middle of the table, with nice, white icing. His mouth watered more and more as he looked at the cake. He spied the icing mixing-bowl in the sink and, with his forefinger, helped himself to the traces of icing left along the sides. That made matters worse. The icing tasted wonderful and made him want more!

So, he eased over to the table and used that same index finger to remove a small bit of icing that had dripped from the cake to the edge of the plate. Yummy, yummy. He was about to remove another drip, when the twins appeared.

“Mother! M-o-t-h-e-r!” they yowled. “Randy’s ruining our cake.”

Randy quickly defended himself, “No, I didn’t. I didn’t hurt that ole cake.”

When his Mother appeared, and after a long talk, she handed down her verdict. “It’s two witnesses to one, Randy. You’re now confined to your room till supper.”

That was the beginning of a long series of similar problems between the twins and Randy. They always stuck together. Somehow two witnesses to one always won the case.


When Randy was in the sixth grade, a Magic Show for fourth- through six-graders came to the school. Students were told the cost, twenty-five cents, the week before. But, Randy forgot all about it, and spent his allowance on Saturday for a movie and a soda. So, Monday morning he used his lunch money to buy a ticket for the afternoon Magic Show. Just as Randy was entering the auditorium that afternoon, the twins marched down the hall to the playground for recess.


That evening, at supper, Randy ate two helpings of almost everything.

“Randy, why are you so hungry?” his Mother wanted to know.

Randy looked up sheepishly at her. “I don’t know. I’m just hungry.”

Petunia quickly raised her hand. “I bet he didn’t eat any lunch. I saw him going to the Magic Show this afternoon.”

His Mother frowned deeply. “Randy, did you spend your lunch money on the Magic Show?” Somehow Mothers know how to ask questions that leave no room for ‘maybes’.

Randy shot back, “How would Petunia know? Third graders didn’t get to see the show.”

His Mom turned to Miriam, “Did you see him go in?”

“Yes, Ma’am, both of us saw him going in.”

So, then his Mother’s stern eyes focused on Randy, “You didn’t answer the question, Randy. You need to always tell your Mother the truth without all this wishy-washy stuff.”

Then she passed sentence, “It’s two to one again, Randy. And, I believe the twins. You’re going to have to weed an hour in the garden tomorrow as punishment for being so evasive. Now, go to your room without desert.”


When Randy was a sophomore in High School, he asked Patsy to go ‘steady’ and wear his letter-sweater. On a school trip the High School choir, in which Randy sang bass, and the Junior High choir, in which the twins sang soprano, were bussed over to Amarillo Junior College for a district choir competition. Patsy wasn’t in the choir, and didn’t go.

Randy took the occasion, at a break in the action, to take Elaine for a soda over at the student center. Of course, he was observed walking hand-in-hand with Elaine by the twins. Upon their return to Walnut Hill, they gleefully reported to Patsy what they had seen. The next morning, before classes began, Patsy stalked over to Randy, talking with his friends, and flung the sweater in his face.

“What’s the deal?” Randy asked, totally unaware of what she knew.

Patsy, loud enough so everyone could hear, answered, “You’re a two-timer! That’s what’s the deal. Both your sisters told me about the choir trip. And, I believe them! We’re through going steady!”

Unfortunately, that was not quite the end of that incident. When Randy asked Elaine for a date that afternoon, her reply was, “No, thank you, Randy. I didn’t know you were supposed to be going steady with Patsy. I’m not going anywhere with you!” A long time passed before any of the twins’ friends would date him.


A final indignity came a week later when a police officer knocked on the front door and asked to talk to Mrs. Plane. He began, “Uh, I need to talk to you about your son, Ma’am. I clocked him at nearly thirty in a twenty-mile school zone. I just gave him a warning ticket. But I think you ought to know, and help him do better. We sure don’t want any kids run over. So, we’re really watching those school zones and talking to parents.”

His Mother took immediate action and marched into Randy’s room. “Randy, were you speeding in a school zone?”

Randy ducked his head. “Well, I didn’t think so.”

“Guess we can check that,” and she called the twins.

“Petunia and Miriam, did you see Randy get a warning ticket?”

Both girls also ducked their heads, before answering. Petunia replied for both of them, “Yes, ma’am. We did.”

“Okay, Randy. It’s two to one again. You’re prohibited from driving for a month, so you can learn to control your speed. It would have been two weeks, but you didn’t tell me all about it. A police officer came by and informed me of the warning ticket he gave you. I was so embarrassed!”

Unfortunately, the consequences of Randy’s punishment affected more than just Randy. In the first place, Randy’s Mom, busy with church work and a sewing club, was often busy in the evenings and couldn’t take the girls to the many social activities teenagers can dream up. So, the answer to the many requests of, “Can you drive us to…” was, “No, I can’t. You’ll just have to walk.” Before that month, Randy was always available, and often used his old Ford Tudor Coup to take the girls places. But not now. He couldn’t drive anywhere for a month! Both Mom and the girls were dismayed at the inconvenience Randy’s punishment caused them all.

Finally, the month was over and Randy could drive again. On the evening of the first day Randy could drive again, the twins cautiously knocked on his bedroom door, and Petunia asked, “Would you please drive us over to Laura’s house. It’s a long way and we need to rehearse our choir pieces with her.”

Randy was not at all interested. “Why should I? You two are always getting me in trouble.”

Miriam quickly defended the twins, “We couldn’t help it. We couldn’t lie to Mom.”

“Okay. So, I’ve had a long time to think about all this. Don’t you think we need to make a pact? No more ratting on each other? Let’s cooperate instead. When I’m going too fast, just gently, did you hear that?…  ‘gently’ tell me. We need to work together.”

Petunia and Miriam both quickly agreed. “Oh, yeah. Let’s.”


The truce stayed tightly in place, and life was easier for all. But, when Randy was a senior in college and the twins were freshmen, a new problem with dating appeared. Randy’s roommate, George, spotted Randy talking to his sisters. “Hey, who are those two, gorgeous red-heads you’re friendly with?”

“I don’t know about gorgeous. But they’re both my sisters, Petunia and Miriam.” Then he paused a moment and rubbed his cheek as he looked at George. “Want an introduction? I’ll make you a deal. Introduce me to your sister, and I’ll introduce you to the twins. Want to trade introductions?”

“I sure would. But which is which? I can’t tell them apart. They must be identical twins.”

“I don’t know. I can just tell. I guess I’ve known them all their lives.” Then he stopped a moment and stared out the window as a frown developed. “Oh, I remember something. Petunia has a tiny black mole in her left eyebrow line. You can just barely see it, only part of the time. That’s a way to tell them apart.”

George was enthralled, and soon began dating Petunia, seeing the tiny mole most of the time. Randy began to date George’s sister, Alevia, who, he thought was nice-looking. She had long black hair and a sweet smile. He bombarded her with dates, taking her to the movies every week and to church on Sundays. After six weeks of dating, he took her to the local malt shop on a Sunday afternoon. “Alevia, how do you like these malts?”

“I love them, Randy. How about you?”

“Me, too. Want to hear how I got to love malts and shakes?”

“Sure. Tell me.”

Randy followed up with a long talk about milk from cows, and how he got milkshakes every summer from Gramps while he worked on the farm, ending up with a graphic discussion of harvesting wheat, and the dust and grime he accumulated every day. “It’s wonderful to come in from working all day with the combine and harvesting wheat, to have a cool shake while we wait for supper. Usually, we can see the sun sinking in the west, and the stars beginning to come out. It makes me feel wonderful. Ever been to a farm? Do you think you’d like it?”

“Ummm. Well, I’m not sure I’d like farm life. It’s a long way from plays and the theater. That’s what I like. Every summer I try to get a part in some summer play. That should help me go to Hollywood. That’s my goal in life. How about you? Ever want to be in these movies we watch?”

“Eh, well, guess not. It’s just not my cup of tea.”

That ended the dating of Alevia.


None of Randy’s problems affected his roommate. But George did have his own problems. After a few weeks of dating and trying to date Petunia, George began to feel a severe pinch. He was not the only young man interested in the red-heads. Several times when he asked Petunia for a date, she told him she already had a date. So, finally he asked Miriam for a date. She looked a bit surprised, frowned, but reluctantly accepted.

When Randy heard about the date with Miriam, he warned George, “That won’t do, George. You can never date both sisters. That will cause big trouble.”

And it did. The twins, of course, discussed the matter, and decided there were enough young men around who would ask for dates without George being considered. So, Miriam telephoned George and cancelled the date. George was troubled and confused. “Randy, what went wrong?”

“I told you it wouldn’t work. Wait a while and only ask Petunia.”

After several weeks, George tried to date Petunia again, who refused at first, but finally agreed when he continued to ask and ask in pitiful tones. But, later that same afternoon another young man, Harris, asked Petunia for a date. Harris was quarterback on the football team, and considered a ‘catch’ by most girls. So, Petunia just couldn’t refuse.

But, as Friday night drew near, the problem was readily apparent to Petunia. “Oh, what can I do, Miriam? I’ve got two dates with two different boys on the same night.”

“Oh, that’s easy to fix, Sis. I’ll volunteer to go with George in your place. He’ll think I’m you and never know the difference. All I have to do is put a black dot for a mole in my left eyebrow. What do you think?”

“Oh, would you do that for me? I’d really appreciate it.”

Unfortunately, George talked too much at the movie, trying to impress the girl he thought was Petunia. Between the cartoon and the main feature, he told her, “I’m glad to be dating you again, Petunia. You’re by far the most beautiful. That ugly Miriam will just have to go without dates from me.”

Miriam, pretending to be Petunia on this date with George, was enraged. “Oh, is that what you think?” and she immediately jumped up and stomped out of the movie and telephoned Randy for a ride home, George at her elbow, plaintively asking what was wrong.

Later, in the dorm room, George asked Randy about this sudden rejection, “I said that she was the most beautiful. That’s a compliment. I thought she’d be pleased for me to call Miriam ‘ugly’ and her beautiful. I don’t get it.”

Randy knew who was in his car riding home from the movie. “Well, that’s would be a classic ‘fail’ on your part. You were talking to Miriam, not Petunia.”

“Oh no I wasn’t. I saw that black mole several times. That was Petunia.”

“No. On the way home she took out a tissue from her purse and wiped off the black dot. Then she explained that Petunia had two dates with two boys on the same night and she was substituting for Petunia with you. You’ve been had by the twins.”

After that, George gave up trying to date either twin.


The twins wasted no time finding suitable mates in their first year of college, and both were married in June.


Meanwhile, in late May Randy graduated with a degree in agriculture. After attending each of the twins’ weddings, he drove out to Gramps’ farm. “Gramps, I haven’t ever gotten over the thrill I had when I came to the farm for the first time. Could you use me here on the farm? I’d like to spend the rest of my life right here, if you can use me.”

Twenty years had passed since those early days, and Gramps was no longer very active. He walked slowly with a cane, and only eased around, so as to avoid falling. Willie had aged too, along with Matilda. As Randy looked around he could see a dozen improvement projects that needed to be done right away, postponed due to the age of the three old farm workers.

“That would be great, Randy. I was hoping you would come back to the farm. There’s much work for you to do every day. Glad to have you.”

“Thanks Gramps. Glad to have the job and be here. But, I do have a problem with being here. Want to help me fix it?”

“Sure, Son. What’s the problem?”

“Well, farms are socially isolated and I don’t have a wife, or any prospects. I’m twenty-three years old. I tried to date those college friends of the twins, and my roommate. Somehow that never clicked. They all looked forward to city or town life. Not a single one seemed at all interested in a farm or farming. Since I was hoping you’d take me on, I just couldn’t get interested in any of them. How do you think a man finds a wife to live on a farm these days? Where did you find Grandma?”

“Well, Son. That was a long time ago. Things were different then. I didn’t go to college. All the church girls I knew expected to be farm wives. There was no problem finding a wife among them. Of course, Grandma was a good cook. You should have been able to eat some of her peach pie. I bet that’s what made me interested in her.”

“Okay. Fine and good. But that doesn’t help me.”

“What you need to do, Son, is look around the farm community. To find a wife to suit you, go where that kind of girl can be found.”

“Okay. I’ll try that. But what would that be? Any ideas?”

“Sure. Church is the place to start. And go to all the socials and get-togethers. There’s a local attempt to imitate the Grand Ole Opry. See what they have at that get-to-gather. If you find a girl, see if she’ll come to church with you.”

Randy started the very next Sunday morning to look around, after services, at the girls at church. But, unfortunately, they all looked to be high school age and seemed too silly for him. There were four young couples his age that attended services, all newly-weds. “Guess I’m too late for those girls. They’re already married.”

The next Friday he went to the local ‘Sing Along’. Three young girls, all high school seniors, sang. That won’t do for me, he thought. Over to the side he spotted a young lady that looked to be his age wearing too tight blue-jeans and a big black hat. When he eased over to have a better look, he was dismayed to see her enjoying a cigarette. Again, he thought, Not for me.

Soon, Randy fell into the swing of the wheat harvest and then taking the one-year old calves to market. He was so busy he mostly forgot about being lonely and looking for a girlfriend.


At the cattle auction barn, Randy and Gramps saw a posted notice about a barn-raising for a local Mennonite family, and both decided to go help.

Gramps gave him some background. “That family has helped everyone around in one way or another. When there’s a disaster, they are right there to help. I’m so old and crippled, I can’t do much. But I’m going over to help if I can. I can pour coffee, at least. I’m glad you’re going. All the neighbors will appreciate it.”


Randy worked like a dog all day at the barn-raising. The sun was slowly sinking in the west, when he made his way over to the temporary food tent to have something to eat. He filled his plate and noticed a cute, dishwater-blond, sweat streaming down her face and making her hair stringy, serving chili and beans to all comers. He sat down by Gramps, who was pretty much exhausted from trying to help out all day.

“Who’s the girl serving, Gramps? Do you know her?”

“Yep. Seen her several times. Her name’s Helen. She’s been helping out all day here in the food tent. She attends the little congregation out at Tall Oak, and comes over to our Gospel Singings. I see her visiting on Sundays when their preacher is gone or sick. That whole, little congregation comes over and worships with us on those Sundays. She seems to be really nice and friendly. Talk to her. You might like her.”

When Randy went back for a second helping, he paused and caught her eye, “Hi. I’m Randy, Randy Plane. I’m going to be working for Grandpa Plane.”

She smiled a million-dollar smile and answered, “I’m Helen, Helen South. Glad to meet you.”

Randy hesitated, then stumbling over his words said, “Uh, glad to meet you, too. Gramps said you go to the Tall Oak congregation. I attend the Walnut Hill church. So, we have something in common.”

“Yes. We sure do.”

When he didn’t leave, she asked, “Can I get you something else?”

“Uh… no. Say, I’m looking for someone to go to the movies with me. You go to movies? Want to go next Friday?”

She eyed him up and down, easily spotting the dirt and grime on his shirt and pants before she answered with a smile, “Sure, provided you get all cleaned up. You don’t usually take a girl to the movies with dirt on your forehead, do you?” She gasped a little, covered her mouth with one hand and dropped her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m just kidding. I would love to go. I live on a farm just out of Tall Oak on Highway 29. You can see our mailbox from the road. It’ll have ‘South’ in big black letters. Okay?”

“Sure. Can I pick you up around six? We wouldn’t want to miss the cartoon, would we?” They smiled at each other, and Randy went to tell Gramps of his success.

A long string of weekly dates followed. After a movie, and just before Christmas, they stood in the square and admired the beautifully decorated giant Christmas tree in front of the court house. Randy seemed nervous. He had shifted back and forth all during the movie, and almost got up to leave before the cartoon came on. “Helen, it’s only nine-thirty. Let’s sit on the bench here and take in the sights of the season. Want to?”

“That would be nice.”

Although Randy fidgeted constantly, they both sat silently, Helen enjoying the Christmas magic. He put his arm around her, and she snuggled close. After a while, he took both her hands in his and looked into her eyes, “Helen, I’ve grown to love you, and appreciate your gentle, Christian character. And, I would like to ask you a question I’ve never asked any girl before. Would you be willing to listen?”

She tilted her head to one side and smiled her million-dollar smile. “Sure, Randy. What is it?”

“Would you marry me and come live on Gramps’ farm? That would make me the happiest man in the world.”

“Oh, Randy! Yes! Yes! I’d love to.” And they kissed there in the moonlight.


They were married at Easter, in a simple ceremony in her parent’s farmhouse.

After the wedding vows and as everyone was milling about, Gramps eased over to Randy and, with a twinkle in his eyes, asked, “Think she’ll make a farmer’s wife?”

“Oh, Gramps! You know she will.”

They’d agreed the young couple would live with Gramps, till they decided where to be on a more permanent basis. Gramps volunteered to move out of the big bedroom he and Grandma had shared, and Randy and Helen moved in. The first Sunday in the new home, Helen made peach pie. After his second piece with a plug of ice cream, Gramps said, “Well, Randy, I think you’ve hit the jackpot!”

Not long after, Gramps had a serious talk with the two of them. “I’ve been wanting to tell you about my will. I’m leaving everything to you, Randy. When I’m gone, this farm will be all yours.”

“Uh, is that a good idea, Gramps? What about the twins? They’ll raise a fuss if you don’t include them in the will.”

“Don’t worry, Son. I gave each of them a cash wedding gift to match the farm I’m giving you. I made sure they understood about the farm going to you. Neither one was really interested in the farm. Plus, they got the money last summer. All you get now is an old house and land to farm.”

“I’m thrilled, Gramps. But then you knew I would be.

You know, I owe you for more than just giving me the land. I owe you for Helen! You told me the way to find a wife is to look in the middle of what you want to do with your life.

You keep on giving young men that advice. It works. See what I got!”

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