Love and Forgiveness Luke 7:36-50

This post discusses degrees of love and forgiveness by Jesus.

Deep love and Forgiveness occurred during Jesus’ tour of Galilee. Simon, a Pharisee, invited him for a meal but did not provide for the usual greeting or feet-washing customs. Then, a weeping and sinful woman came into the Pharisee’s house and found Jesus’ feet. (Guests received food as they reclined with their feet outward from the table.) So she, asking for forgiveness, used her tears to wet Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. Then, she kissed and anointed His feet with precious ointment. This action caused Simon to draw the mental conclusion that Jesus could not be a prophet. He would have known about the woman’s sins and resisted her touch.

But Jesus knew Simon’s thoughts and told him that He had something to say. So, Simon said he would listen. Then, Jesus responded with a parable. The parable concerned forgiveness of the sins of two debtors, one owed little, one owed much. Jesus asked Simon which loved the most. Simon readily answered that the one who owed much loved the more.

Note, Jesus asked who loved the most, not which had been forgiven the most.

Next, Jesus contrasted the feelings of both the sinful woman and Simon. Simon had treated Jesus poorly when Jesus came into his house. Yet, he did not ask for forgiveness. Perhaps Simon didn’t feel the need. But the woman knew about her sins. She treated Jesus with respect and love. She loved much and Simon did not.

Then, Jesus forgave her sins because of her faith.

This incident helps the reader understand the identity of Jesus.

He could forgive sins. Since only God can forgive sins, this act illustrates His Deity.

What we learned:

1.Jesus knew the thoughts of the heart.

2.Since He had the power to forgive sins, He must be Deity.

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#sinfulWomanLovesJesus #JesusKnowsThoughts #JesusForgivesSinu