God and Design Genesis 1:1

This post focuses on design to show that God must exist.

God and design analyzes the workings of the water cycle on this earth, our bodies, and our planet system.  This design could not happen by chance. This means that God must be the designer.

The earth’s water cycle begins when rain falls from the clouds. Absorption into the ground for use by plants or running off into streams and rivers provides a pooling of the water to dump into the ocean. Evaporation of the sea water for storage in the clouds occurs until the cycle repeats.

One might imagine that as the rivers spill into the oceans, they would fill up and cover the land. But despite the passage of thousands and thousands of years, this does not happen. Instead, the amount of the oceans at 71% of the globe and the land at 29% provide a steady state that remains. Thus, this division of ocean and land causes rainfall, nourishment of the plants, and replenishment of the oceans year after year. This amazing design of the workings of our planet must have come from a master designer—God—and did not happen by chance.

Consider our bodies. After food enters the stomach, absorption by the blood allows the digested food to be transported to the muscles. This replenishes the energy utilized in muscle movement. At the same time, the blood transports carbon dioxide, the product of muscle use, to the lungs to be expelled into the air.

One might imagine that expelled carbon dioxide into the air would accumulate and destroy life. However, the plants use the carbon dioxide to grow. This maintains the balance of carbon dioxide in the air at about 2%. Again, such amazing design and balance demands the existence of a highly intelligent master designer—God.

Finally, consider our planetary system. The location of the earth, so far from the sun that it takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth, allows life to exist. A closer position would make the earth too hot for people or animals to live. A location further away would result in a frozen planet without life. Such a wonderful position must come from a master designer—God.

This earth, this universe, and our bodies all point to design.

Only God could provide such design. Therefore, He must exist. The Bible names this designer as God, Genesis 1:1:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

What we learned: The designs all about us strongly support the existence of God as the master designer.

For more on the Bible click https://tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#GodDesigner #waterCycleDesign #bloodStystemDesign #planetSystemDesigm