False Teachers Luke 6:39-49

This post shows Jesus teaching against false teachers.

In these verses, false teachers receive criticism from Jesus.

Jesus uses a parable to condemn false teachers with three statements: 1) The blind cannot lead the blind. 2) Disciples cannot rise above their teachers. 3) Hypocritical teachers and prophets should remove the big sins of their lives before correcting a brother’s smaller sins.

Thus, false teachers cannot lead their students to know the truth. Their disciples cannot learn the truth because they are taught error. These fake teachers, called hypocrites by Jesus, need to remove the large sins from their lives before correcting the smaller errors of others.

Therefore, these statements by Jesus explain the importance of self-knowledge. Namely, do I know and teach the truth? Then self-correction, that is, correcting my teaching of error, needs implementation before correcting a brother.

Next, Jesus cites a well-known fact that bad trees cannot produce good fruit.

Good fruit comes from teaching the truth.

Then, Jesus cites the source of good fruits. They come from within a good heart. Like a bad tree producing bad fruit, an evil heart produces evil words and actions.

The obvious application appears. Correct our heart first, then a brother’s sin.

Finally, building our lives on a rock requires a firm foundation in our hearts, the commands of Jesus. Building our lives without an adequate foundation of Christ’s teaching means a crash will occur in a crisis. Without a foundation of Jesus’ teaching, our lives and teachings will crash.

Note that in verse 46, Jesus condemns belief and confession without obedience. These people believed in Jesus and even confessed Him. But they would not do what Jesus said. Even though they believed and confessed, without obedience they would reap the result of building on the sand.

What we learned:

1.False or fake teachers produce bad students like bad trees produce bad fruit.

2.Obedience from the heart to the commands of Jesus will provide a life built upon a solid spiritual foundation.

3.Always correct our own teaching before correcting others.

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#rockFoundation #goodBadFruit #goodBadTree #speakFromHeart