Blocked Minds John 5:8-9; 14; 17

This post discusses the blocked minds of the Jews against Jesus.

Blocked Minds shows the extent that the mind can be turned against Jesus.

John described the warped and blocked minds of the Jews after a miracle of healing performed by Jesus on a disabled person who had been sick for thirty-eight years. John 5:8-9 “Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked. Now that day was the Sabbath.”

The Jews objected to the man carrying his bed on the Sabbath. But the man replied that the man who healed him had ordered him to take up his bed. So, the Jews immediately asked who told him this. The man did not know.

Then Jesus found the healed man and told him to “sin no more.” The man told the Jews that Jesus healed him. When they confronted Jesus, He replied, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.”  Jesus meant that God still works on the Sabbath by upholding the laws and workings of the universe. So, Jesus would and could work on the Sabbath also.

However, the prejudiced minds of the Jews refused to accept Jesus’ miracles as proof of His Deity. Now the Jews added a second reason for wanting to kill Him. They imagined that calling God His Father made Him a blasphemer.

The Jews’ warped minds stood in the way of them accepting Jesus as the Messiah.

So, they showed unconcern with the wonderful healing act. Carrying a bed on the Sabbath appeared as uppermost in their minds. Instead, shouldn’t they praise God for the healing? They were more concerned with enforcing their ‘tradition of the elders’ than in thanking God for the blessing for the sick man. (See Matthew 15:2-14 for more information on the invalid nature of the ‘tradition of the elders.’)

So, what did we learn in this passage?

1.Jesus as the Son of God could heal on the Sabbath.

2.The Jews had warped their minds against Jesus which prevented their acceptance of Him as the Messiah.

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