A Pharisee’s Invitation  Luke 14:1-14

This blog concerns lessons learned from a Pharisee’s invitation to Jesus.

‘A Pharisee’s Invitation’ discusses what Jesus said at a meal on the Sabbath in the house of a Ruler, no doubt, a Pharisee. Probably, they intended to trap Jesus, because a sick man appeared. Possibly, they wished to accuse Jesus of some sin on the Sabbath. Jesus immediately asked if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. But they wouldn’t answer. So, Jesus healed the man and sent him away.

Then, Jesus applied reasoning to the situation by asking if they would pull a son out of a well on the Sabbath? Again, they didn’t answer. This lesson involved a lesser to a greater argument. For them, a son became more important than healing a man.

So, Jesus next told a parable because He observed how they vied for the most honorable seats. Jesus said that if you take the highest seats, the host may move you to a lower place and give the higher place to someone with higher honor. Better take the lower seats at the beginning, because the host might move you higher. Then Jesus provides the lesson, Luke 14:11.  For everyone who exalts himself … humbled, and he who humbles himself …exalted.”

Then Jesus turned to His host and provided a lesson on motive, Luke 14:12. “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return …”

Instead, in Luke 14:13, Jesus also taught us to invite those who cannot repay us.

At the resurrection, God will repay.

So, what did we learn?

1.Healing a sick person on the Sabbath rates high in priority.

2.Seek not glory, but humility.

3.In invitations, invite those that cannot repay you.

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#mercySick #seekHumility #invitePoor