A New Apostle Acts 1:21-22
This post concerns the selection of a new apostle to replace Judas Iscariot who hung himself and fell to his destruction.
‘A New Apostle’ discusses the rules employed to appoint a new apostle. After Jesus ascended, Peter reminded the brethren that David prophesied that Judas Iscariot’s office should go to another, Acts 1:15-17. “In those days Peter stood up among the brothers… and said, “… the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David concerning Judas… For he … numbered among us and… allotted his share in n this ministry.”
Then, in Acts 1:20, he quotes from Psalms 100:8. “Let another take his office.”
Next, he gives the criteria for finding a replacement, Acts 1:21-22. “So, one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us— one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection.”
They found only two men with these qualifications. First, they prayed that God would designate which of the two should replace Judas as an apostle. Then, they cast lots to determine which God wanted. Matthias replaced Judas.
Also, despite two men meeting the qualifications, the prophecy designated only one as a replacement for Judas. The other man did not become an apostle.
Note, after Herod killed James, Acts 12:1-2, no one succeeded him. “About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. He killed James the brother of John with the sword,” This means that the New Testament contains no authority for general apostolic succession. Further, no one today achieves the office of an apostle because he has not accompanied Jesus during His life.
However, despite the lack of scriptural authority, the Catholic Church claims apostolic succession for the Pope.
So, what did we learn?
1.An earlier prophecy by David directed the choosing of a successor to Judas.
2.No scripture provides authority for apostolic succession today.
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