A Banquet Invitation     Luke 14:15-24

This post covers invitations in a parable by Jesus.

‘A Banquet Invitation’ discusses occupants of the kingdom of the Lord.

Jesus cured a sick man while dining with a Pharisee. After Jesus warned the host to not give a banquet in order to gain favors, Luke 14:12, someone said, ‘Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Perhaps, they expected to trap Jesus in some way. (Many Pharisees expected the kingdom of God to begin in some large way. They had not understood or believed the earlier parable about the kingdom beginning small—see Luke chapter 13.) To answer this outburst, Jesus then told a parable about a man giving a great banquet and inviting guests. Jesus’ parable corrects the Pharisaical attitude that only they would occupy the true kingdom of God.

In this parable, a man gave a great feast, invited guests, and announced that everything was ready. But some of the guests refused the invitation because they were more concerned with their own pursuits in life.

The Pharisees to whom Jesus told this parable had the same attitude of self-concern and rejected the words and teachings of Jesus about the true approaching kingdom.

In the parable, the man who was giving the feast was angry about the rejections of his invitation and sent invitations to the people with low income, the physically disabled, and the blind. Then, those from outside the city, no doubt Gentiles, were invited. This teaches that all, including the Gentiles, will be in the kingdom of God.

Jesus made the lesson clear: The Pharisees by making light of the invitation showed more concern with their own lives and desires than the kingdom of God.

So, what did we learn?

1.The kingdom of the Lord will include all kinds of people.

2.Listen to Jesus and obey to be part of the kingdom of God.

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#parableGreatBanquet #GentilesInKingdom #phariseesNotInKingdom