The Road To Jerusalem Luke 13:22-35
As Jesus traveled on the road to Jerusalem, He encountered both a question and a warning.
‘The Road To Jerusalem’ as a post provides Jesus’ teachings following a question. Someone asked if only a few would go to heaven. Perhaps, a Jewish person wondered if only Jews were saved.
Note, Jesus doesn’t give a direct answer or a number. Instead, He uses the occasion to stress results on Judgment Day. He teaches that we should strive to enter the narrow door before that day. Many could not rid their lives of evil and thus enter. At judgment, the door shuts. No amount of pleading opens the door despite many wanting to get in. Those that did not enter during their lifetimes are labeled workers of evil.
The obedient in this lifetime enter the narrow door.
Also, those suffering terrible anguish in hell can observe but not take part in the bliss of heaven. Note, people of all nations will be in heaven. In addition, a surprise in who’s first and who’s last will greet some.
At that time, some Pharisees warned that Herod wanted to kill Jesus. Perhaps, they just wished to rush Jesus back to Jerusalem so they could more easily kill Him. (Later, Herod refused to sentence Jesus to death see Luke 23:8-11.)
Jesus’ calm reply that He would spend three more days in Herod’s jurisdiction shows that He worried not that Herod would kill him. He had predicted His death in Jerusalem—see Matt. 16:21. He again says He will die in Jerusalem, because the Jews would not accept Him. Note, He refers to the temple as your house instead of God’s House. Idolatry caused God to abandon the temple.
They would not see Him again until the judgment day when He would be their judge.
So, what did we learn?
1.Jesus is unafraid of Herod.
2.Jesus knows He will die in Jerusalem.
3.Jesus stresses entering by the narrow door into the kingdom of God for salvation.
#JesusNotAfraidHerod #JesusDieInJerusalem #JerusalemNotAcceptJesus
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