Setting Priorities   Luke 10:29-37

This post discusses Jesus’ teaching about setting priorities.

‘Setting Priorities’ as a post involves a parable often called ‘The Good Samaritan.’ Jesus had just explained to a lawyer how to gain eternal life by totally committing to loving God—see verses 27-28. Then the lawyer asked a second question, Luke 10:29. “But he, desiring to justify himself, said… “And …my neighbor?”

So, the embarrassed lawyer tried to test Jesus further by asking about his neighbor.

In this parable, a man, robbed and beaten by robbers, needed help. Then, two Jewish religious leaders, a priest, and a Levite, passed by without helping. The parable does not mention the nationality of the hurt man as being Jew or Gentile. Jesus stresses only that he needed help and did not receive it.

But then, a Samaritan came by, interrupted his day, and cared for the hurt man. If the hurt man was Jewish, this may have surprised the lawyer, because Samaritans did not help Jews and vice versa. Jesus then focused back on the command to love one’s neighbor, Luke 10:36. “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”

The Lawyer answered correctly, Luke 10:37. “The one who showed him mercy.” Note, the nationality of the beaten man did not enter his answer. Needing help did.

Jesus replied, also not mentioning nationality, Luke 10:37. “You go, and do likewise.”

Whatever the Samaritan planned to do with his time and money, he gave up to accomplish a higher duty of helping a hurt man regardless of any prior prejudices. He showed how to set his priorities correctly. Likewise, this parable teaches us about setting our priorities and by ignoring our previous prejudices to give help.

Further, consider Jesus’ example. He died on the cross to save everyone, not just Jews or people like me. Likewise, I need to rid myself of prejudices and help those in need, as I have opportunity.

So, what did we learn?

1.Those needing help make up our neighbors.

2.Jesus commands us to show mercy as a primary duty to those in need.

3.Jesus’ death on the cross sets us an example of helping the needy without prejudice.

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