Facing Jerusalem Luke 9:51-62

This post discusses Jesus facing Jerusalem in the last major phase of His ministry.

Jesus, facing Jerusalem, concludes His ministry before His death on the cross.

In facing Jerusalem, Jesus now begins this last phase of His work by setting His face to go to the city. The time nears for Him to go back to His heavenly Father. So, He does what is necessary to travel to Jerusalem and the cross. On His way, He will train His twelve apostles further, do more preaching and teaching, heal more people, and perhaps make more disciples.

Earlier—see chap. 9:2—Jesus gave the twelve miraculous power. As they go toward Jerusalem, they entered a village and found the Samaritans would not receive Him, sensing His aim toward Jerusalem. This probably means they would not listen or provide food and shelter. James and John wanted to miraculously bring down fire on the village. Jesus did not and rebuked their thoughts. Then, He went on to a more friendly village.

On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus met three men with three excuses for not following Him immediately.

The first seemed to be concerned about his physical needs. Jesus reminded him that He, Jesus, did not even have a place to lay His head. This means that a house and food should rate lower in importance than following Jesus. Another seemed more concerned with his father’s burial. Jesus told him to let others arrange burials. He needed to go preach about the Kingdom of God. The third man was also concerned about his family and telling them goodbye. Then, Jesus gave a summary statement to cover all those who wanted to follow Him: starting to follow and turning back to the world makes one unfit for the kingdom of God. The things of God and Jesus must come first.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus now begins His trip to Jerusalem and the cross.

2.Jesus does not want to punish uninterested followers by using physical force.

3.Following Jesus requires ranking Him first in our lives and not turning back to the world.

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