Effect of Baptism Galatians 3:26-27

This post covers what baptism does.

Effect of Baptism as a post discusses the results of baptism.

When we check, history shows the effect of baptism and its necessity for salvation for over 1000 years. Even after the Roman Catholic split that formed the Eastern Orthodox Catholic church, baptism remained essential. All Catholics continued to teach the necessity of baptism.

However, in the 1500’s a Reformation began. Although not well known, leaders of the Reformation continued to believe and teach that baptism was necessary. For example, Luther wrote, “we must be baptized, or we shall not be saved.” Similarly, Calvin also wrote, “For he commands all who believe to be baptized for the remission of their sins.” However, both Luther and Calvin retained infant baptism as necessary. Later, they both taught salvation by faith only and ignored James 2:17. “…faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

When the Restoration Movement broke out in the early 1800’s, an intensive restudy of baptism occurred. Brethren decided to accept the entire scriptures on baptism and works. A key verse explains the role of faith and baptism, Galatians 3:26-27. “…for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Thus, faith brings one to believe in Jesus. Then, the entrance into the saved state—in Christ—occurs in baptism. Ananias explained to Saul, Acts 22:16. “Rise and … baptized and wash away your sins…’”

So, the restorers of the New Testament church uncovered an understanding of faith and works in salvation.

Baptism of forgiven and penitent believer adds one to the body of Christ in baptism.

Likewise, the Restoration Movement rejected infant baptism—still accepted by the Catholic Church and many denominations—because the scriptures show baptism for penitent believers and not untaught infants, Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:15.

““Repent and … baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…

Whoever believes and … baptized … saved,”

So, what did we learn?

1.The scriptures show that baptism remits sin and adds one to the church.

2.Together, faith in Jesus and baptism, provide salvation.

3.Untaught infants cannot be subjects of baptism.

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#salvation #faithWorks #sinsForgivenBaptism