Mission of the Twelve and Herod Luke 9:1-9

This post discusses the mission of the twelve and Herod’s concerns.

Mission of the twelve and Herod as a post provides insight into new training provided by Jesus and new worries of Herod the Tetrarch.

Luke 9:1-2. “And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” For the first time, Jesus gave His disciples miraculous power to heal and over demons and instructions to tour the area announcing the Kingdom of God,

In addition, He tells them to not take provisions but to depend on the local people for food and shelter. In this way, they were thus to learn to depend on the blessings of God. If they were not received or welcomed by a village, they were to use a custom of the day—shaking off the dust of their feet as a sign of rejection.

So, this mission of the twelve partially duplicated the work of Jesus and John the Baptist. Thus, both preached about the future Kingdom of God. But only Jesus healed all He came in contact with. Further, such work of preaching paralleled the work of the apostles after Jesus’ ascension in Acts chapter one.

Rumors about Jesus and His disciples teaching about a future kingdom and healing reached Herod.

He felt sure that John the Baptist or Elijah or one of the prophets had been raised from the dead. So, Herod wanted to see this Jesus, because he knew that he had killed John and had seen his head presented to Salome to give to her mother. Perhaps he thought that if it were John, he would recognize him.

What we learned:

1.New and serious training of the apostles involved independent travel, preaching, and healing the sick.

2.Rumors about Jesus perplexed Herod when he remembered executing John the Baptist.

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#apostlesSentOut #dependOnGod #HerodPerplexed