Two Great Miracles Luke 7:1-17

Two Great Miracles as a post discusses the significance of two great miracles by Jesus.

In these two great miracles, Jesus shows deity characteristics.

In the first miracle, healing the Centurion’s servant, Jesus did not actually see the sick person, but caused the miracle to happen from a distance.

For the audience, this is a powerful miracle and an amazing story. Consider the Centurion, no doubt, a Gentile, favored by the Jews because he built their synagogue in Capernaum. This may even mean that he had converted to Judaism. Possibly, Jesus probably taught in this synagogue.

Somehow, he developed a strong faith in Jesus and His power to heal. He understood authority and especially Jesus’ great authority. He did not feel worthy of Jesus coming into his house. But, his faith caused him to say to Jesus just ‘speak the word to heal the servant.’

Jesus marveled at this depth of faith, deeper than any of the Jews.

After this, the second great miracle involved giving life to a dead person.

The first miracle had caused His fame to grow.  So, a large crowd traveled with him to Nain. At Nain’s gate, He met another crowd bearing a dead body. As the only son of a widow, no doubt older and now derived of income, Jesus felt sorrow for her. He touched the bier on which the dead man lay and stopped the procession. Jesus spoke and the man was instantaneously came back to life. He sat up, and spoke.

After this, some in the crowd called Jesus a great prophet and glorified God.

Some probably realized that four-hundred years had passed since God inspired Malachi, the last oral or written prophet of the Old Testament. Further, no one with the power to raise the dead had appeared since Elisha.

Finally, note that even the dead obeyed the voice of Jesus.

What we learned:

1.Jesus knows the depth of faith of people.

2.His fame grew.

3.He could raise the dead.

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