
Month: July 2024

Moses, a Comparison Hebrews 3

Moses, a Comparison Hebrews 3

Moses, a comparison as a post discusses a comparison between Jesus and Christianity and Moses and Judaism.

Moses’ and Jesus’ comparison to each other interested the Hebrew people. The aim of the book of Hebrews discusses both Moses and Jesus. Moses, the great lawgiver, served as a source of pride for the Jewish people. Likewise, Jesus, the risen savior of Christianity, stands as a source of pride for Christians. Does Jesus or Moses rank higher in importance?

In Hebrews chapter one, the writer discusses God speaking to us by Jesus.

Hebrews 1:1-2: “Long ago…God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things.” Next, God points to the superiority of Jesus over His former spokespersons, namely, prophets or angels.

Chapter three contains a comparison between Moses and Jesus, a subject of interest to many Jews in New Testament days.

Many similarities exist. Both show rejection by the Jews. But both accomplished their missions. Both supplied bread from heaven— Moses manna and Jesus His teachings and death on the cross. Both uttered prophecies that came true.

But chapter three depicts the two differently— Moses as a servant, Jesus as a Son. Hebrews 3:5-6:

“Moses … faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things … spoken later, but Christ … faithful over God’s house as a son.”

This point is clearly made, Hebrews 3:3

“For Jesus … counted worthy of more glory than Moses— as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.”

Jesus as the builder of Christianity receives greater glory than Moses, a servant in the Old Testament Jewish system of worship.

Thus, God gave Jesus and Christianity more glory than Moses and Judaism.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus is greater than Moses.

2.Christianity is greater than Judaism.

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#JesusOverMoses #JesusOverAngels #ChristianityOverJudaism


A Miracle during a Miracle Luke 8:40-56

This post discusses a miracle that occurred while Jesus caused another miracle.

A miracle concerning touching came about during Jesus going to raise a dead girl by speaking.

This miracle during a miracle happened while Jesus traveled to cure the sick daughter of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. Jesus felt the power to heal leave Him as the crowd pressed against Him. A woman had intentionally touched him and sought healing for an issue of blood. For twelve years no one could heal her. But she had faith that if she could just touch Jesus’ clothes, healing would occur. Note, she healed instantaneously.

Jesus knew what happened. She tried to hide in the crowd, but then came forward when Jesus showed that He knew about the healing. Jesus said, “your faith has made you well; go in peace.” Luke 8:48

At that point, someone came and reported that the sick child had died. Jesus responded to Jairus, “Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well.” When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house, He described the dead girl as “sleeping.” The mourners laughed at Him because they ‘knew’ that she died. But Jesus spoke and the girl’s spirit returned, and she arose.

(Jesus also used similar language about Lazarus. John 11:11, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awaken him.” The disciples responded that a sleeping Lazarus would awaken on his own. Jesus then explained His use of the term ‘sleeping’ in John 11:14. “Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died.”)

This is the first of three times that Jesus resurrected a dead person.

So, what did we learn?

1.Jesus, master of every situation, knows when His tremendous healing power flows out due to the touch of an afflicted person with faith.

2.Jesus sometimes referred to death as sleeping.

3.Jesus can bring life to a dead person.

For more on the Bible click tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#womanIssueOfBlood #healedByTouch. #healedByWord

Church Restoration Acts 14:23

This post discusses church restoration.

Church restoration of the New Testament church involves a dependence on and guidance by the word of God alone. For example, in every New Testament church a plurality of elders acted as the governing body, Acts 14:23 “when they had appointed elders for them in every church…”  No Bible verse authorizes one elder to be above or over the others.

However, as early as the third century, departures from the New Testament pattern popped up. In a few congregations, a ‘presiding elder’ assumed preeminence and complete control. Gradually this practice led to the name ‘priest’ applied to the controlling ruler. This practice does not surprise. Consider a verse from New Testament days, 3 John 9, “but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.”  Already present could be found the desire to elevate oneself over others. John promised to correct him.

Later, the priest of the church in Rome declared himself to be the head, the pope, over the entire church. Not everyone agreed. So, in 1054 A.D., this disagreement finally resulted in a split with Greek-speaking congregations in the east who did not accept this ‘self-declared’ pope. They became known as the Greek Orthodox Church and continue to oppose the pope.

Afterwards, further departures and abuses by about 1500 A.D. resulted in the development of a reformation movement. However, despite a partial return to the New Testament pattern, extensive further splitting provided a wide array of churches and beliefs and confusion.

Later, in the early 1800s, several people decided that a reformation was not enough. Accordingly, the need for a restoration of the church of the New Testament developed.

Eventually, some church restoration principles emerged.

1.Speak only where the Bible speaks. Be silent where it is silent.

2.Have a Bible passage highlighting a command, an example, or necessary inference for every practice.

3.Govern each congregation by elders, according to the set of qualifications in1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Deacons assist the elders, 1 Timothy 3:8-11.

What did we learn?

Restoration of the New Testament church means following only the scriptures exactly.

You’re invited to find and attend a restored New Testament church where you live.

For more on the Bible  click https://tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#pope #eldersDeacons #followOnlyNewTestament

The Demoniac Luke 8:26-39

This post, The Demoniac, covers a spectacular miracle in Gerasene and the local effects.

The demoniac appeared after Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee to the country of the Gerasenes. As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, He met a man named Legion because of the many demons that occupied his body. (The tremendous strength of this man allowed him to break free of any chains used to capture him. He roamed free without clothing.) Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out  of the man. But before the man became free, the spirits begged Jesus to be allowed to go into the pigs on the hillside instead of the abyss. The demon-possessed pigs rushed into the sea and drowned. When the people heard of it and came to see, they found the man clothed and in his right mind. Seized with fear, they asked Jesus to leave.

 This miracle has several different aspects:

1)This might seem to be a difficult healing since the man possessed a number of demons. Not so for Jesus. He just spoke the word.

2)The  demons knew the exact identity of Jesus—Son of the Most High God. They also knew their likely destiny when cast out of the man—the abyss, probably the eternal destiny of demons.

3)Although Jesus allowed the transfer to the pigs, He did not destroy the pigs. The demons destroyed the pigs and illustrated the wicked work of the devil.

4)The loss of the pigs did much to advertise to the people the miraculous power that Jesus had over the demons. However, the people seemed to care more for the financial loss of the pigs than for the man healed. So, they asked Jesus to leave —a tragic loss for them. But Jesus left the cured man behind to tell others of Jesus’ power to cast out demons.

So, what did we learn:

1.Jesus can exert tremendous power over the demoniac world.

2.Jesus does not force Himself on any country or people. If you don’t want Him, He will leave.

For more on the Bible click tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#castOutDemons #demonsIntoPigs #AskedJesusToLeave

Old Testament Restoration- Ezra, Nehemiah

This post discusses restoration of correct worship in the Old Testament.

Right worship of God began with eliminating idol worship.

Old Testament worship restoration was needed because the Israelites forsook the religion that God supplied through revelation to Moses and worshipped idols. Then, God allowed their enemies to remove them from Palestine. So, they lacked a country, self-government, and the blessings God gave them earlier.

Psalm 137 describes how they felt. “By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion. On the willows there we hung up our lyres.”  Firstly, they were sad to be captives.

When Nehemiah heard of the destruction of Jerusalem, he too wept and confessed the nation’s sins, Nehemiah 1:4-7.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe their return to the land and the restoration of worship that once again pleased God. The king, Cyrus, issued a decree freeing the Israelite captives and setting up the rebuilding of a destroyed Jerusalem and the burnt temple. Ezra 1:2.

Cyrus even returned the vessels used formerly to worship God in the temple, Ezra 1:7,

Priests, Levites, and temple servants, identified by their genealogies, returned to carry out the correct physical acts of worship. They excluded those whose genealogy did not show them to be priests.

Secondly, they rebuilt the altar on its original site so that they could worship according to the law of Moses. Ezra 3:2-5. “…they built the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings on it, as it is written in the Law of Moses… They set the altar in its place… they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, burnt offerings morning and evening… they kept the Feast of Booths, as it is written… offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the rule, as each day required,”

 Ezra stressed that true restoration of worship called for following exactly the Law of Moses, given over one thousand years before.

What we learned:

The principle followed to restore correct worship encompassed following what God had written into Moses Law exactly.

For more on the Bible click https://tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#rebuildAltar #stopIdolWorship #followGod’sWord

Teaching after Hearing Luke 8:16-25

This post examines teaching others after hearing the word.

Teaching after hearing goes together for the disciple. In the earlier parable of the Sower, Jesus stressed that proper hearing of the word allowed t Continue reading

Independence Day Romans 6:18

Independence Day Romans 6:18

This post discusses what independence means for the soul.

Independence Day, July 4, reminds us to remember the Declaration of Independence. Although the thirteen colonies declared freedom from English rule, they immediately fashioned the Articles of Confederation. Thus, the Second Continental Congress first declared freedom and then subjected the colonies to a new government.

So, Independence Day reminds us that the colonies changed from being subject to England to being under the Articles of Confederation.

Also, a slightly similar change occurs when a sinner becomes a Christian. Romans 6 teaches that at baptism the subject becomes free from sin, Romans 6:3-4, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?  Then Paul likened baptism to the death of Jesus as a death to sin and an experience of a new life.

All things considered, these verses echo what Ananias told Saul (later called Paul) at his conversion when he told him that baptism washed away his sins, Acts 22:16. This baptism comprised the teachings and writings of Paul throughout his life. This message he preached in Rome.

So, the penitent believer like the 13 colonies experiences an independence day from past sins. But, at this instance, he moves from one dominion to another. No longer a slave of sin, the baptized believer becomes the slave of righteousness, Romans 6:17-18.

To the repentant believer, this means that after baptism the Christian makes every effort toward righteousness. He follows the will of God as expressed in the New Testament in the commands of Jesus. It also means that the new Christian feels different as a slave of God’s. He tries daily to live as God desires.

For more on the Bible click https://tdroberts.org or https://justchristian.com or https://podcastjustchristian.com

#declarationIndependence #baptismFreesFromSin #ChristiansSlavesRighteousness