Little children can be taught that God exists and is the Maker of everything. A suggestion is to use what they can see and understand when they are but little kids. For example, the rainbows, something God has made, are an excellent place to start since rainbows are a source of wonder and delight to even small children. At night, the moon and stars are wonderful examples of what God has made. During the day we can emphasize that God made the sun and the flowers that bloom.

As a children grow, they can be introduced to the concept that God made us. Older children can be taught that creation from nothing is how God made the world, Genesis 1:1-3. When children can understand something of the amazing design of the universe, the human body, and the seasons of the year, then this design can be explained to them as a proof that only God could make it all. That would prove to them that God exists.

All during the growing up years children should hear the parents frequently refer to God as the ruler of the universe and the reason we go to worship every Sunday. Our language in front of the children will show that we love and respect God and encourage them to follow our example.

Passages that can be cited and read to a child during a daily Bible reading time: Genesis chapter 1 and 2; Matthew 22:37; Ephesians 6:1-3

(Each family is encouraged to have a daily Bible reading or story time.)

#GodMadeUs #GodMaker #GodDesignedUniverse #GodCreatedFromNothing #Genesis1 #GodDesignedBody #GodDesignedSolar #GodRules #Matthew22:37 #Ephesian6:1-3 #GodMadeRainbows